Monday, September 30, 2019

India on The Move Case Analysis Essay

I. Background A country with a 3.3 million square Kilometers area and by 2002 India reached 1.1 billion people with a growing rate of 1.5%, diversity in languages, multi party democracy system, different religious groups, India is facing rapidly growth economy but significant reforms need to be passed still. The financial situation in India by 1992 wasn’t the most attractive but had been growing 6% annually by 2002, turning India into one of the principal growing economies in the world. By adopting the Washington Consensus, India had remove almost all import and exports restrictions, and so the financial controls made by the International Monetary Fund. As a consequence of a slow progress for privatization and all restrictions made for foreign ownership, FDI became slow to enter in India. The biggest obstacle in India to face the reality of growth remains in economics and social performances. II. Analysis (Case Overview) Although GDP growth rate per year was low, information technologies and back office operations were well known and represent 2% of the Indian’s GDP, the expectations aim that it would be continually growing and contributing with the gross domestic product and a desirable 8% growth rate per year and so did exports since the collapse of the Soviet Union. IT led many Indians entrepreneurs develop in the field decreasing unemployment rates. Fiscal deficit turned into the sought of the right taxation policy. Moreover, conflicts with Pakistan, bureaucracy, privatization policy and corruption in the political environment contribute on having India one step back. Finally, education and infrastructure were to be improved. All of the above led the 10th five year plan seek up for fiscal stability, political and religious as well. III. Questions Why did India experience relatively slow economic growth from independence until 1991? Huge population, 1 billion by 2002 with a growing rate of 1.5%, more than the country could support at the time, domestic issues with a fragmented society and religious problems. The political issue with Pakistan represents more expenditure contributing with the deficit. The implementation of Soviet Union model as a developing strategy based on regulations in the private and public sector, including price controls high tariff, huge bureaucracy which made a unattractive economy for foreign investment in relation to other economies. In order to move forward with the economy growth, India had chosen to perform a market competition economy removing almost all its restrictions lowering tariff. Why did Rao adopt the post-crisis, â€Å"Washington Consensus† strategy? How is it working? A combination of the Soviet Union collapse and high oil prices and some other situations such as the crisis in the balance of payments, Prime Minister Rao turned back to the International Monetary Fund for assistance. The IMF would grant loans as long as India uses Washington Consensus policies into its economy. This policies need to be used to minimize the impact of the government decisions; otherwise the economy would completely collapse. These market reforms helped India on reducing its fiscal deficit and having a higher GDP estimated in 2002-2003 5.9% and in 2003-2004 to 5.6%. How big deal are Hindu-Muslim frictions? Demographic fragmentation? Deficits? Religious and political tensions in the regions have a very bad impact in foreign investors decision-making because they perceive this as a threat to their investment. Some of the cases are: the quasi war erupted between India and Pakistan in 1999 over the disputed state of Kashmir. Religious tension between Hindu and Muslims in 1992 on Ayodhya temple dispute cost an estimated of 2000 people lives. In 2002, riots made the Supreme Court banned all religious activities on the site. Is India an attractive site for foreign direct investment? On this days India has become a more stable economy and is growing rapidly representing a good country for foreign investors trust, having a strong support from Government policies, growth of information technologies and back office operations, English speaking people, a steady GDP growth. On the other hand, some of the issues still remain in the country hopefully with a very willing government to solve social and politics conflicts, corruption and fiscal deficit. IV. Number Interpretation India stays Medium in Human Development Ranking, having the 124th place out of 173 countries. There are many differences across states among literacy, sex ratio and population growth. Productivity in the public sector remains low in comparison with private sector. India has an annual growth rate 6%. In 2004 elections the country still is politically fragmented. Large size of deficit outstands. V. Conclusion India is becoming a potential economy in the world, since the 10th plan many indicators have improve and changed in order to be a more attractive market for foreign direct investment and for a growing GDP. Nevertheless, many obstacles should be overcome to get India in the top of mind for investors all over the world, the first thing to bear in mind must be corruption which has been there since the very first days and so it is the political and religious conflicts in the region. All in all, if India is able to work on these issues primarily, the growth  economy would come along with time and the country is going to play a big part of the international business game. References Astrella, K. (Feb. 24, 2012). India on the Move [PowerPoint Slides]. Retrieved from Kumbhar, R. (Mar 24, 2012). India on the Move [PowerPoint Slides]. Retrieved from

Sunday, September 29, 2019


Estrategias de Crecimiento de Bimbo: Fusiones y Adquisiciones a. Como se incorporo Bimbo el reparto de utilidades y la responsabilidad social en su compania? REPARTO DE UTILIDADES: Uno de los ingredientes mas importantes de la â€Å"receta secreta† de Bimbo es que no concibe a sus colaboradores como â€Å"recursos humanos†, sino como personas a las que brinda trato justo y afecto, seguridad, oportunidades de aprender y de crecer siendo utiles a la sociedad. Crecer e innovar es la consigna del personal de Bimbo. Ellos saben que el desarrollo de nuevos productos y la reinversion de las utilidades es lo mejor para la empresa, y mantienen el compromiso de generar una publicidad etica, anclada en la verdad y el respeto al cliente. Una â€Å"gran preocupacion desde el principio, fue la relacion con el personal. Queriamos que trabajara contento, que se identificara con la empresa, que se le respetara. Por nuestra formacion cristiana, teniamos una vision no instrumental de la gente, de relaciones cordiales y armoniosas con el personal†. Con los anos se consolido el ideal de una empresa â€Å"altamente productiva y plenamente humana†. Los repartos de utilidades entre los colaboradores rebasaron los minimos fijados por ley, y muchos de ellos pudieron adquirir acciones de la empresa a precios inferiores a los del mercado. . Participacion de los trabajadores en las utilidades – La PTU se registra en los resultados del ano en que se causa y se presenta en el rubro de otros gastos en los estados de resultados. 2008 2007 2006 Ventas Netas82,317 72,294 66,836 Participacion de los trabajadores en las utilidades 467 467 456 RESPONSABILIDAD SOCIAL: Comprometido con su responsabilidad social, Grupo Bimbo participa en importantes proyectos comunitarios, como la reforestacion de areas naturales protegidas de la Republica Mexicana, asi como en diferentes proyectos para el bienestar de la sociedad. El Programa de Responsabilidad Social, se centra en cuatro programas: 1. Comprometidos con tu Salud.? 2. Comprometidos con el Medio Ambiente.? 3. Comprometidos con Nuestros Colaboradores.? 4. Comprometidos con Nuestra Sociedad. 1. Comprometidos con tu Salud: Integra iniciativas enfocadas al bienestar de la poblacion: a. Innovacion y reformulacion de productos: Reduccion de acidos trans-fat, azucar y sal. Introduccion de productos de 100 calorias, introduccion de productos fortificados con avena, linaza, etc. b. Informacion Nutricional a los consumidores: Informacion mas comprensible por medio de etiquetas mas claras y legibles. c. Publicidad y Mercadotecnia responsables: Se firmo el Codigo Mexicano de Publicidad de Alimentos y Bebidas para ninos, con el cual se comprometen a promover una publicidad socialmente responsable hacia los ninos. d. Promocion de actividad fisica y estilos de vida saludables: A traves de publicidad, envolturas, sitios en Internet, publicaciones, reportes del consumidor y promocion de actividades, contribuyen a el mejoramiento de la calidad de vida de los consumidores. Por ejemplo: el slogan â€Å"Llenate de energia con 30 minutos de ejercicio diario† en todos los empaques y publicidad; y el Torneo Futbolito Bimbo. e. Asociaciones: Con otras empresas para establecer programas como Alianza para el corazon, Alianza para un estilo de vida saludable. Y con institutos de nutricion para poder ofrecer productos nuevos y mejores. Tambien se apoya a la Cruz Roja en Mexico, la Casa de la Amistad para Ninos con Cancer en Mexico y otros proyectos en Guatemala, Costa Rica y Uruguay. En EEUU se apoyan programas que contribuyen a la prevencion de enfermedades congenitas, nacimientos prematuros y muerte de ninos, entre otros. 2. Comprometidos con el Medio Ambiente: Se trabaja mas de 20 proyectos en 5 lineas de accion: a. Ahorro de energia b. Reduccion de emisiones c. Ahorro de agua d. Administracion de desperdicios solidos. e. Responsabilidad social hacia el medio ambiente: Se invita a los colaboradores y proveedores a compartir acciones para beneficiar el medio ambiente. Se llevan a cabo ferias de Sustentabilidad para dar a conocer a los colaboradores informacion de los productos ecologicos para el consumo en el hogar. Se fundo â€Å"Reforestemos Mexico† que en conjunto con los grupos etnicos de Mexico se desarrollan habilidades para promover las practicas sustentables y asegurar la preservacion de recursos naturales. Bimbo es parte de la Comision de Estudios del Sector Privado para el Desarrollo Sustentable que representa al Consejo de Negocios Mundial de Desarrollo Sustentable, en Mexico. 3. Comprometidos con Nuestros Colaboradores: a. Salud y Seguridad: Programas de orientacion que incluyen platicas para reducir los accidentes en la compania, asi la realizacion de campanas medicas que promueven la vacunacion, y pruebas de vision, audicion y dentales a los colaboradores. Constantemente se refuerza la importancia de adoptar estilos de vida saludables por medio de conferencias y cursos. Se ha implementado un programa que promueve el ejercicio fisico diario en el trabajo. b. Desarrollo de Colaboradores: Se ofrecen cursos de educacion primaria, cursos de ingles, instruccion para lograr un grado universitario en Mexico y Latinoamerica, tambien se cuenta con una Universidad virtual que contribuye al desarrollo de talento y liderazgo. c. Ayuda Social: Se promueven los ahorros voluntarios entre los colaboradores. Se promueven oportunidades de trabajo, se contrata a un gran numero de colaboradores con discapacidades, se ofrecen conferencias sobre ambiente de trabajo, etc. 4. Comprometidos con Nuestra Sociedad: Se ayuda en forma economica para promover el progreso social y la educacion. En el area de educacion se construyo en 2008 el Centro para el Tratamiento de Individuos con Afasia, se apoyaron programas educativos como â€Å"Ayudando a Ninos como Yo â€Å" de UNICEF, â€Å"El Calendario de Valores† de Fundacion Televisa, programas de nutricion a ninos y becas de la Fundacion Tarahumara, entre otros. Se colaboro en la publicacion del libro â€Å"Como proteger a tus hijos de las drogas†. Mas de 1,000 estudiantes y educadores recibieron apoyo a traves de instituciones como Fundacion de Empresarios por a Educacion Basica. Y se ayudo a mas de 5,000 estudiantes universitarios de la Escuela Bancaria y Comercial, ITAM, UDEM e UIA. Tambien en el extranjero se apoya en organizaciones en pro de la educacion. Mas de un millon de agricultores se han beneficiado de los proyectos que apoya Grupo Bimbo. Tambien, en asociacion con FinComun, se le ha br indado ayuda financiera a mas de 15 mil micro empresas y cerca de 140 mil personas con espiritu emprendedor para que desarrollen sus propios negocios. b. ?Cuando se convirtio Bimbo en una empresa cotizada en la Bolsa de Valores? La primera empresa del grupo, â€Å"Panificacion Bimbo†, fue fundada el 2 de diciembre de 1945 en la ciudad de Mexico. Posteriormente, entre 1952 y 1978, se abrieron 12 plantas mas, lo que le permitio extender la distribucion de sus productos a todo Mexico. Durante este mismo periodo se constituyo la fabrica â€Å"Pasteles y Bizcochos†, que posteriormente se convertiria en â€Å"Productos Marinela†. Y se establecieron las primeras plantas de dulces y chocolates de â€Å"Ricolino† y de botanas saladas â€Å"Barcel†. Durante este periodo empezo tambien la integracion vertical del Grupo con la inauguracion de la primera planta de mermeladas. Desde febrero de 1980, 34 anos despues de su fundacion, Grupo Bimbo se transformo en una empresa publica y 15% de sus acciones comenzaron a cotizarse en la Bolsa Mexicana de Valores. La empresa no se cotiza en el exterior, debido a que no ha tenido necesidad de financiarse en mercados internacionales, sus necesidades la ha cubierto oportunamente el mercado nacional. c. ?Cuando fue la primera adquisicion de Bimbo? ?Cual fue la meta, y como actuo la compania para asegurar que su flexibilidad no fuera comprometida por esta adquisicion? Con la finalidad de lograr una posicion de liderazgo a nivel internacional y consolidarse como lider en el continente americano, el Grupo ha realizado inversiones en el extranjero. Dichas inversiones se efectuan a traves de asociaciones estrategicas y/o adquisiciones de empresas del sector que le permitan tener una red de canales de distribucion y venta todavia mas importante y asi poder consolidarse operativamente. El interes de BIMBO por participar en los mercados internacionales se debe al gran potencial de crecimiento en lo referente a la relacion de consumo entre pan tradicional y pan empacado. La primera adquisicion del Grupo Bimbo en Mexico fue Continental de Alimentos, S. A. en Mexico en 1986. En 1990 comenzo con operaciones a nivel internacional con la adquisicion de una planta productora de pan y pastelitos en Guatemala. Las estrategias de adquisicion le han permitido al Grupo capitalizar las experiencias en diferentes mercados y diversificar su concentracion geografica, disminuyendo asi el riesgo que pudieran presentar los mercados locales en los que participa. La estrategia de crecimiento de Grupo Bimbo ha sido desde un principio consolidar su plataforma. Cronologia de expansion y adquisiciones del Grupo Bimbo: 1984BIMBO incursiono en el mercado de exportacion con la distribucion de productos Marinela hacia EE. UU. 1986BIMBO adquirio en Mexico: Continental de Alimentos, S. A. de C. V. , empresa que producia y comercializaba la marca Wonder, hasta entonces competidora directa de BIMBO en panificacion y pastelitos. 1989Se adquiere Holsum en Venezuela. 1990Comenzo con operaciones a nivel internacional, con la adquisicion de una planta productora de pan y pastelitos en Guatemala, esto marco el inicio de la cobertura que el Grupo tiene en Latinoamerica. 992Adquision de Alesa, S. A. y Cena (hoy Ideal, S. A. ) en Chile. Adquision en Mexico de la fabrica Galletas Lara, lo cual permitio la entrada formal al mercado de las galletas tradicionales, tipo â€Å"marias† y saladas, 1993Se extendio a Venezuela con la adquisicion de Industrias Marinela, C. A. y Panificadora Holsum de Venezuela, C. A. Se instalaron plantas productivas en Argentin a, Colombia, Costa Rica, El Salvador y Peru, asi como empresas de distribucion en Honduras y Nicaragua. Se explande en Estados Unidos, con el establecimiento y adquisicion de plantas productivas en los estados fronterizos con Mexico. Se adquiere Orbit Finer Foods, Inc. 1994Se adquiere en EEUU: La Fronteriza, Inc. 1995Se adquiere en EEUU: C&C Bakery, Inc. y la Tapatia Tortilleria, Inc. 1996Se adquiere en EEUU: Pacific Pride Bakeries, con dos plantas (Suandy Foods Inc. y Proalsa Trading, Co. 1998Se adquiere en EEUU: La empresa de panificacion Mrs. Baird’s, lider en el estado de Texas, EEUU , y en Mexico se inicio con operaciones en la planta de Bimbo en la Paz, Baja California. La expansion de BIMBO llego al continente europeo con el establecimiento en Alemania de la empresa distribuidora de confiteria Park Lane Confectionery. Tambien en ese ano, con objeto de enfocarse en sus negocios principales, BIMBO llevo a cabo desinversiones en la elaboracion y distribucion de helados en Mexico y de botanas saladas en Chile. 1999BIMBO realizo una alianza estrategica con la empresa Dayhoff, en EE. UU. , dedicada a la distribucion de dulces, a traves de una participacion accionaria de 50%. BIMBO se asocio con Grupo Mac’Ma al adquirir una participacion de 51% en las empresas dedicadas a la elaboracion de pastas. En el estado de California, EE. UU. , adquirio la empresa panificadora Four-S. Se construyo una nueva planta panadera en Tijuana, BC. Refuerza presencia en Colombia, con la adquisicion de activos en la ciudad de Calli. Se convierte en el proveedor unico de toda la bolleria de la cadena de restaurantes McDonald? s en Venezuela, Colombia y Peru. Se concretan negociaciones con la empress Panacea, SA en Costa Rica, lo cual permitio a BIMBO la adqusision de algunos de los activos de esta empresa y el derecho al uso de Tulipan, su marca lider en ese pais. Se consolida en EEUU Mrs. Baaird’s Bakeries Busineess Trust en el mercado de Texas y Bimbo Bakeries USA, Inc. en el mercado de California. 000Se inauguran, a traves de Ricolino, dos plantas en la Union Europea, una en Viena, Suiza y en Ostrava, Republica Checa. Se adquiere la panificadora Pan Pyc, la segunda empresa mas importante en Peru. Se adquiere la empresa La Mejor en Guatemala, con presencia en Guatemala, El Salvador y Honduras. 2001Se adquirio Plus Vita, una de la empresas panificadoras mas grandes en Brasil. 2002La participacion de BIMBO en la alianza con la empresa Dayhoff en EEUU aumento a 70%. Se fusionaron todas las empresas operadoras del Grupo en Mexico, en dos grandes empresas Bimbo, SA de CV y Barcel , SA de CV. Para optimizar operaciones y eficientar su capacidad instalada y su fuerza de distribucion. Se adquirio, a traves de la subsidiaria en EEUU, las operaciones de la panificacion en la region oeste de EEUU, pertenecientes a la empresa George Weston Limited. Con ello fortalecio la posicion del Grupo en mercados clave: California y Texas. 2003Se concreto una alianza estrategica con Wrigley Sales Company en EEUU. Participacion como socio minoritario en un consorcio donde adquiere ciertos derechos de propiedad y deuda de la Compania de Alimentos Fargo, SA en Argentina. 004 Adquiere el total de acciones de Dayhoff en EEUU. Adquisicion de las empresas Jocyco de Mexico SA de CV, Alimentos Duval, SA de CV y Lollmen, SA de CV, propiedad de accionistas mexicanos y de la empresa espanola Corporacion Agrolimen, SA. Se adquieren en Mexico dos plantas de produccion lideres de la industria de la confiteria en Mexico. 2005Se adquiere en Mexico: Controladora y Administradora de Pastelerias, SA de CV, op eradora de las pastelerias El Globo. 2006Se adquiere en Uruguay las empresas panificadoras Walter M. Doldan y Cia, SA y Los Sorchantes, SA, posicionados como lideres en el mercado. Se inician operaciones en Asia, al adquirir la empresa Beijing Ranrico Food Processing Center, ubicada en China, lo que ha permitido una importante presencia y reconocimiento en Beijing y Tianjin. Se adquieren activos y marcas de las pastelerias El Molino, unas de las mas antiguas y de mayor tradicion en Mexico. 2007Se realizo la compraventa de la empresa de galletas, grissines y pan rallado Maestro Cubano Florentino Sande, SA en Uruguay. Se adquirio Temis en Paraguay. 008Se adquieren las companias Laura y de Firenze en Brasil. Se adquiere Plucky en Uruguay. Adquiere el 75% e acciones de la empresa panificadora Nutrela Alimentos, SA en Brasil. Se adquiere en Honduras Galletas Lido Pozuelo. Se adquiere en Mexico: Galletas Gabi 2009Se adquiere la panificadora Weston Foods, Inc en EEUU. Mayor operacion en la historia del Grupo Bimbo. Bibliografia: Santander (2009) Latin American Equity Research: Recuperado e l dia 27 de marzo de 2010 de: http://www. santander. com. mx/PDF/canalfin/documentos/bimbo231009e. df Grupo Bimbo (2010) GRUPO BIMBO REPORTA RESULTADOS DEL SEGUNDO TRIMESTRE DE 2009. Recuperado el dia 27 de marzo de 2010 de: http://www. grupobimbo. com. mx/relacioninv/uploads/reports/PR%202T09. pdf Grupo Bimbo (2010) Reporte Anual 2008. Recuperado el dia 27 de marzo de 2010 de: http://www. grupobimbo. com/relacioninv/uploads/reports/IA%202008%20esp. pdf Grupo Bimbo (2008) DECLARACION DE INFORMACION SOBRE REESTRUCTURACION SOCIETARIA. Recuperado el 28 de marzo de 2010 de: http://www. grupobimbo. com/relacioninv/uploads/press/reescorp. pdf Enfasis Alimentacion (2010) Grupo Bimbo podria convertirse en la empresa mas importante de panificacion a nivel mundial. Recuperado el dia 28 de marzo de 2010 de: http://www. alimentacion. enfasis. com/notas/11490-grupo-bimbo-podria-convertirse-la-empresa-mas-importante-panificacion-nivel-mundial Grupo Bimbo (2010) Historia Grupo Bimbo. Recuperado el 28 de marzo de 2010 de: http://www. grupobimbo. com/admin/content/uploaded/Historia%20Grupo%20Bimbo. pdf Grupo Bimbo 08 Social Responsability Report http://www. grupobimbo. com/admin/content/uploaded/BIMBO%20RS%20ING%20xpag. df Grupo Bimbo Informe Anual 08 http://www. grupobimbo. com/relacioninv/uploads/reports/IA%202008%20esp. pdf Editorial Columnas. Cultura Bimbo. http://www. eluniversal. com. mx/columnas/55515. html Grupo Bimbo. Pagina internet. http://www. grupobimbo. com/display. php? section=1&subsection=13 Bolsa Mexicana de Valores http://www. bmv. com. mx/ Entrepreneur. Grupo Bimbo Selling Bread and Nostalgia http://www. entrepre neur. com/tradejournals/article/131896496. html Grupo Bimbo. Reporte Anual 2008 http://www. bmv. com. mx/infoanua/infoanua_3099_20090625_1643. pdf

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Strategic Management of Amazon Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words

Strategic Management of Amazon - Research Paper Example ompanies in the Internet space), Adobe eBook Reader (with this collaboration Amazon beat a major advantage of its competitor, it is estimated that the e-book will be in a few years cheaper than a physical book, and it is already known that this new medium has created its own public, which wants to penetrate). By entering in the European market, it has broadened its customer database, it has compressed transport and distribution costs of orders and it has improved the levels of customer service, thus gaining a significant share of the global market. It expands its customer base to new markets in order to augment its profit margin (the structure exists - it has a powerful customer database - it introduces new products - it penetrates new Internet markets - it improves its profit margin). Amazon is very profitable. ... The decrease in profits was due to special customer promotions. Amazon locks-in the customer by offering him value through original - innovative value added services and it enhances continuously the content of its webpage. Amazon does not sell in the traditional way, it offers customized service. If indeed, we take account of the fact that the confidence-loyalty of Internet customers is for many analysts of a kind of utopia, it is understood immediately that the strategy of is revolutionary. The company has built a large capital value part of which is its strong name - brand in the Internet and with the experience that it has gained, it manages to exploit its reputation to attract both customers and partners - suppliers by concluding strong relations - partnerships with many competitive advantages and benefits. For the customers and the suppliers are simply two different groups of customers who Amazon undertakes to interconnect by providing them with incentives and transaction facilities. The company is essentially an info broker. The company is an undisputed player in the world of on line cooperation, offering a wide range of programs. Through the continuous provision of incentives, it has managed to succeed and achieve various alliances and syndication makes the company ubiquitous in the Internet and so its brand is strengthened. has managed to transform its product markets into an easy and pleasant procedure mainly due to the use of IT and its innovative applications (1-click Technology).The appropriate use of technology favors the increase in sales by essentially contributing to the lock-in of the customer. Communication with the customer is of even greater value through the logistics procedures of

Friday, September 27, 2019

John Browns importance in the antebellum slavery debate Essay

John Browns importance in the antebellum slavery debate - Essay Example Christian savior Jesus Christ (â€Å"John Brown’s Holy War,† 2010).John Brown can be a banner for which all abolitionists really under to continue the fight for the freedom and dignity of all of the people who have been wrongly chained and enslaved. The harder that we deny these winds of change the greater the force will ultimately be all the more destructive; do you not see this only brings us further from bringing this country together, but only further tear us apart. John Brown’s crime is not the charges levied against him, but what he represents and the likelihood fuel he can add to the fight against slavery. The time for change is now. Thoreau’s message speaks volumes of the respect that many have for this condemned man. He explained that his character will likely live long after him and that is his legacy (â€Å"John Brown’s Holy War,† 2010). Ultimately, the court will decide his fate, but we can take up his cause, pass the torch, and continue the fight to the end. We can no longer allow injustices that so freely and legally occur in the southern states; crimes of the most heinous kind. If ever there was a time to rise up the banner of John Brown is now. Let his cause be ours as we bring Americ a into a whole new era and very different

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Private Placements and Public Offerings Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Private Placements and Public Offerings - Essay Example When it comes to securities, two types of basic methods are used by companies to offer those to investors. One of the methods used for this is called Initial Public Offering (IPO) or Public Offering. In this particular method securities are offered for sale to general public. Any one can be an investor in the case of initial public offering. Actually it is the first time when a corporation starts to offer a registered security to public. This practice helps companies to get immediate cash to increase their equity base along with positively affecting the stock value appreciation (Initial Public Offering (IPO). Private Placement is the other method used to offer securities. The basic difference in this particular method as compared to the other one is about selling the shares without the involvement of intermediary of a stockbroker. Both these methods are used in real world to achieve different types of objectives. Actually, the use of a particular method is directly related to the situations being faced by a corporation. By contemplating more on the details related to both these methods, it becomes quite evident that there are quite a few differences, advantages and disadvantages of using a particular method. A critical comparison of both these methods will help you to understand those advantages and disadvantages in a much better way. Let's start off with Public or Initial Public... It is the duty of SEC to set regulations and specific standards for the investment market to function in a right way. Due to these standards and regulations, it is essential for a corporation to reveal a lot of information before making any offering. The information may be about inner workings of a corporation and the plan about using the funds obtained through the offering. Here, a corporation has to wait for the approval of SEC after setting a sales price for the offering along with providing the other necessary information. Now when you will compare this particular aspect of providing extensive information to SEC with the other method of Private Placement, you will understand why this other method is preferred by most of the corporations. Herein, such securities can be offered which may not be registered with SEC. What it means is that there will be no need to provide extensive information to Securities and Exchange Commission, which is unlike IPO. Since companies making use of this method exploits Securities Act of 1933, there remains no need to follow the rule of quarterly reporting. But, it is significant to mention that a Private Placement Memorandum (PPM) is not exempt from Anti-fraud provisions and state law. It implies the fact that though there will be no need to provide as much details as required in Public Offering but you will have to disclose enough information so an investor may become able to make an informed and rational decision. Apart from this particular aspect, it is important to compare the basic way in which both these methods actually work. While comparing the working process of both these methods, it is easy to see few important differences. For Private Placement, it is obligatory for a company to use Private Placement Memorandum which

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Joseph Mallord William Turner i Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Joseph Mallord William Turner i - Research Paper Example Turner’s drawings were topographical in character, and his technique was traditional to imitate the best English masters who existed at that time (Townsend & Turner, 1996). He started working for various magazines in 1794 and got a job to make elaborations of many unfinished drawings that had been started by John Robert Cozen, who was a landscape painter (Shane & Turner, 2004). The magazines he was working for at this time were the Pocket magazine and the Copperplate Magazine that were popular and the England citizens. It was through the influence of the deceased landscape writer, Cozen and Richard Wilson from Wales that Turner was able to become more imaginative and poetic in his landscapes (Turner & Bockemuhl, 2005). At the Royal Academy, he went through various exhibitions for his watercolors and oil painting. The greatest of all watercolors that Turner made was the Fishermen at sea back in 1796. It had a moonlight scene and earned a lot of acknowledgement from critics as an original critical mind. At the age of 24, elections took place and he became an associate of the Royal Academy and later upgraded to become an academician three years later (Ackroyd & Turner, 2006). In 1800, Turner started a small studio in London and four years later opened a private gallery. In addition, he made trips in search of inspiration visiting various countries such as Wales and Scotland among others. He made more than five hundred drawings during his tour in Switzerland and France and studied the old Masters that is found in Louvre. In 180, Turner started his enterprise whose focus was publishing plates that referred to as Lober Sturdiorum (Turner & Bockemuhl. 2005). His main aim was to have full documentation of great variety and range of watercolors and landscapes. He had a few engravers on board though he did most of the work in supervision

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Path to Global Food Security Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Path to Global Food Security - Research Paper Example Analyzing market trends of GMOs is important in examining their acceptance in the world. Of striking interest in this debate is the position adopted by two large markets in the world. While European markets have rejected GMOs, American markets have accepted them. Such is the rift on this debate.Other countries have conformed to the European approach or the American approach depending on their relationship with the two. Most countries in Africa for example, especially those depending on exports to European markets, or those having colonial ties, have adopted Europe’s cautionary approach. Egypt, South Africa, and Burkina Faso are the only countries to have adopted GMO farming in Africa as of 2009. Philippines (once an American colony), was the only country that readily adopted GMO farming in Asia. This shows how the relationship of a country to Europe or America has affected their stand on GMOs. As will be evidenced later, market trends will depend on further revelations from st udies on GMOs (nelson, 2001).Of great interest on the GMO debate are health repercussions, environmental effects, and economical effects. In a study carried out in Britain in 1998, rats fed on GMO potatoes were adversely affected health wise. This generated debate by the media. Later on, the royal society gave a statement claiming experimental design flaws in that research. However, consumer anxiety had already been aroused. As regards the environment, experiments have revealed that GMOs can cause genetic pollution.

Monday, September 23, 2019

How can the child's position in the family and the size of the childs Essay

How can the child's position in the family and the size of the childs family influence his or her development - Essay Example r of significant studies dealing with family size and child’s IQ development, it has been noted that a large number of studies routinely show that family size is related considerably to children’s IQs: the larger the family, the lower the children’s IQ is likely to be (Zajonc 1976). This can be because of the reason that less crowded families gets parents to be more involved with their children giving them more attention than larger families. Size of the family has had a depressing effect on children’s IQ in Scotland and France alone with families of four or more children scoring below the mean for the general population. In a separate study in France and Holland, family size has been found to operate somewhat independently of socioeconomic status when it comes to children’s IQs. This is to say that children from smaller families have the advantage when it comes to cognitive development irrespective of their parents’ economic status, and large families tend to depress children’s IQs irrespective of their parents’ economic status. Moreover, as family sizes get larger, the child’s percentage of passing an admission test automatically drops according to Zajonc analysis index. There are already literary supports on the importance of birth order in the family that affect the child’s personality and other characteristics. Child’s position in the family proves to be significant according to detailed clinical studies, however factors are so numerous and varied in defying statistical generalization. There is still much doubt whether the child’s status constitutes a psychological entity accounting to the share of attention from parents. Children in the family may have the same physical environment they are exposed to but receive different attitudes and expectations for each from others depending on the child’s birth order and sex (Lindgren & Watson 1979). Reading Development. In a study concerning child’s reading influences, ordinal

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Islam in Europe Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Islam in Europe - Essay Example The chief among them is that Islamic law differs from the laws of ‘first world’ countries of Europe, and that Islam dominates lifestyle and culture of millions of Muslims in Europe (Roald, 2001, p 295- 296). Islam: Family Law The Islamic family law does not support the ‘liberal -minded ‘European family law. In European countries family laws support step families, unmarried spouse, nuclear families, free mixing of both the sexes, and above all, the equality of sexes. Conventional Islamic law holds male members of a family to be superior compared to their female counterparts. More importance is given to them and they also hold decision making power. Also, Islam propagates the doctrine of large family with many members (BuChler, 2013, p 100). Many orthodox Muslim families in Europe still abide by the Islamic family law which separates the rules and rights of women from men. However, in European countries like Bulgaria, modern age Muslim families are denouncing s ecularism (Ghodsee, 2009, p 5). The newer generations of Muslims are more in support of ‘multiculturalism’ and ‘tolerance’ policies that are held by European nations. They are not much affected by the fact that predominantly Islamic nations like Egypt has stressed CEDAW, 15th and 16th article denying formal equality of rules and right among men and women. In other words, Muslims in Europe are trying to redefine their identity outside the realm of Islam (BuChler, 2013, p 100). Conventions and Practices: With change of perspectives and outlooks, social practices are also changing among Islamic families. As in England one can find that marriages are still held through the ‘nikah’ ceremony. It is not recognized by the English court of law. With the changing of perspectives, around two-thirds of Muslim couples are marrying again to enjoy the protection of English legal systems. Also, they are renouncing pluralism of marriages as it is not recognized . They are holding their religious roots on one hand and on the other adopting the newer form. This scenario can be found all over Europe (BuChler, 2013, p 77). ‘Talaq’, another important provision of Islamic family law is â€Å"taken into consideration in gender- neutral divorce law and legal practice†. Also, in Europe, no direct legal measures taken against polygamy as because European courts do not hold polygamy as an unlawful act (BuChler, 2013, p 100). Though from time to time social issues have been raised about use of head- covering or hijab, many Muslim women still continue to wear them as a part of their religious convention. Islam: Law Council In European countries, Muslims have their own quasi- judicial institutions. These institutions are basically the shari?ah law councils which impart judgment to large sections of Muslim communities in Europe, as most Muslims in Europe do not recognize the authority and legitimacy of any other legal system. Thus the y turn up to these councils mostly with problems regarding family matters. The law councils have a separate code of law and adopt unconventional modes of settling disputes, formulated according to legal norms of Islam. One such country is England where the unofficial yet autonomous shari?ah courts serve millions of Muslims (BuChler, 2013, p 76-77). Durham,  Kirkham,  & Torfs (2012, p 6) insist that from the view point of European Courts, no discrimination is made between Muslims and non- Muslim subjects, though their ways of resolving or

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Romeo & Juliet Essay Example for Free

Romeo Juliet Essay Introduction William Shakespeare was born in Stratford-upon-Avon in Warwickshire and was baptised there on 26th April 1564. John Shakespeare, William Shakespeares father seems to have been reasonably wealthy at the time of William Shakespeares birth. It seems likely from his fathers high and respectable position that William Shakespeare was educated at the Stratford grammar school. He did not, however, go to university and so did not have the kind of education which many playwrights experienced. In 1582, when William Shakespeare was eighteen, he married Anne Hathaway. The couple had three children, Susanna born shortly after their marriage, and the twins Judith and Hamnet born in 1585. We cannot be sure of the time that Shakespeare moved to London, it is thought that he moved in 1585 when a group of playwrights visited Stratford and performed their play there, this may have been the time of when he moved. We do know that he was living in London in 1592, by this time he was already known as a dramatist and actor. Even at this early stage he had become popular because, in 1592 Shakespeare was criticised in a pamphlet by a less successful writer Robert Greene, who wrote that a new and largely uneducated dramatist (Shakespeare) was taking over the position, which rightly belonged to university men. In 1596 Shakespeares son Hamnet died, apart from this grief there was also achievement, John and William Shakespeare (father and son) were granted a coat of arms which means their status as gentlemen was recognised by the college of Heralds. In 1597 Shakespeare bought a New place, one of the largest houses in Stratford. In 1599 he bought shares in the Globe Theatre and in 1609 he became part owner of the newly built Black friars theatre. In this year also he published a collection of sonnets. William Shakespeare retired to New place in 1611. It is thought that he did not break all his business contacts with London. He died in Stratford on 23rd April 1616 at the age of fifty-two. THE ELIZABETHAN THEATRE Drama became increasingly secularised during the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries and plays ceased to be performed in or near a church. Instead, they were often staged in the courtyard of an inn. A performance in a courtyard such as this had many advantages. There were many doors that could be used for exits and entrances, balconies that could represent battlements or towers and, best of all, perhaps, there were usually guests in the inns who appreciated the entertainment. In 1576 the first theatre was built in London, it was built accordingly to the design of Elizabethan courtyards. Galleries and boxes around the walls of the theatre were where the rich people sat and, like the courtyard of an inn, it had no roof and so performances had to be cancelled if the weather was bad. The 1576 theatre and those built subsequently differed from the courtyard. They contained a large stage often called an apron because of its shape- which jutted out from one wall into the auditorium. The poorer members of the audience were called groundlings and stood around the stage throughout the performance. The large apron stage was not curtained from the audience and there was no scenery on it. Indications of where the scene occurred were built into the words of the play. Very rich costumes and music also compensated for the lack of scenery. It seems likely that plays went on from beginning to end without interval, thought the end of a serious scene was often indicated by the use of rhyming couplets. Examples of this can be found in plays such as Twelfth night, for instance, scenes 1,2,4, and 5 are all end rhymed. This is also found in the play Romeo and Juliet for example, the end of act two scene two, Romeo. Sleep dwell upon thine eyes, peace in thy thy breast. Would I were sleep and peace so sweet to rest. The grey eyd morn smiles on the frowning night, Chequering the eastern clouds with streaks of light; And darkness fleckled like a drunkard reels. From forth days pathway, made by titans wheels. Hence will I to my ghostly sires close cell, His help to crave and my dear hap to hell. In Shakespeares time women were not allowed to perform on the stage, and so female roles were played by boys. This fact helps to explain why so many of Shakespeares heroines disguise themselves as young men. It was easier for a boy to act like a young man than to act like a young woman. ELIZABETHAN ENGLISH Every language changes. Differences in pronunciation and in linguistic preferences are often apparent even in the speech of a father and his son, so it is not surprising that the language of Shakespeares plays should be markedly different from the English we use today. In the sixteenth century the English language was only beginning to be used by creative writers, previously Latin and French had been considered. This is because the English language had not been fully developed and was harder to use. Adjectives, nouns and verbs were less rigidly confined to their specific classes in Shakespeares day. Adjectives were often used as adverbs. Nouns were often used as verbs. And verbs were often on occasions used as noun. Words changed their meanings as time passes, and so many words used by Shakespeare have different values today. This explains the language used in the plays during the 18th periods. Directing Act II scene II Romeo and Juliet is a play written by William Shakespeare (1564-1616). The play is a tragedy set in the fictional city of Verona. The Principality of Verona is ruled by Escalus. The story is based around two feuding families of Montague and Capulet. The leading characters are Romeo, a Montague and Juliet, a Capulet. At the beginning of the play Romeo is persuaded by his friends Benvolio and Mercutio to attend (uninvited) a feast held by the Capulets. Here Romeo hopes to see his beloved Rosaline, who we do not hear any more about. While at the feast Romeo catches a glimpse of Juliet. Their eyes meet and instantly they fall in love (Romeo completely forgets the reason why he attended, Rosaline). The balcony scene occurs early on in the play in act two. Romeo soon leaves the feast but his mind is still full of thoughts of Juliet, Romeo climbs over the wall and into her garden. Juliet cannot sleep and appears at the balcony . At this point they both declare their love for each other and exchange vows. They decide there and then that they will get married in secret the next day. The balcony scene is a crucial part of the play; it is the pivot point of the storyline and the interactions of the individual characters. In this scene Romeo and Juliet profess their love for each other and their intention to get married secretly, even though their two families would strongly disapprove. The leading characters attitude towards each other is completely changed as they disregard their families on going feud. Juliet says that it is Romeo she is in love with and he is the same Romeo even though he is a Montague. I will be directing act II, scene II, of Romeo and Juliet, I have made the choice of directing the scene as a film. The reason for me choosing this scene is because it is the pivotal point of the play and also the most interesting and recognised scene from William Shakespeares Romeo and Juliet. The actor that I think would best fit the role of Romeo would be Freddie prince junior. The reason for me choosing him is due to him recently acting in allot of romantic films and also due to him being admired by all his female viewers. Michelle Pfeiffer has been picked by me to play the role of Juliet. I have made this choice because she has also played the part of a romantic young teenager in many films. She is also recognised as one of the most famous and attractive actors in the Hollywood film industry. The pivotal point of the play comes in act II, scene II, when Romeo and Juliet declare their love for each other on the balcony. It is the most recognised scene of the playas it is here that that the two characters decide that they shall marry, despite the knowledge of their parents disapproval. Although some readers may believe that Romeo and Juliet rush into their marriage, it proves that their love is intense. It also helps with the overall understanding of the characters as the play is set in the hot Italian city of Verona, taking the stereotypical view of Italian men and women; as romantic impulsive lovers. The play also demonstrates this trait by Romeos infatuation with Rosaline, which appears to disappear once he spots Juliet. This impulsive behaviour is a stereotype of Italian men.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Chronic Kidney Disease: Pathology and Biochemistry

Chronic Kidney Disease: Pathology and Biochemistry The kidneys are a pair of organs that function to removing metabolic wastes like urea, carbon dioxide, salts, and chemicals from the blood and excreting these wastes as urine. Kidneys also regulate the concentration of body fluids and electrolyte concentrations, arterial pressure, secretion/excretion of hormones and acid-base balance of body fluids (Guyton Hall, 2005). The main functional filtering unit of the kidney is the nephron. At least 800 thousand nephrons are in one kidney. The initial filtering unit in the nephron is the glomerulus, and the filtrates coming from the glomerulus are formed into urine as it passes the other components in the nephron. Diseases in the kidney cause a significant number of deaths and disabilities worldwide (Coresh, et al., 2007). Acute renal failure is manifested by the kidneys abruptly stopping, although the chance exists that the kidneys could recover, while in chronic kidney disease there is a progressive decline in the function of the nephrons. More specifically, chronic kidney disease is defined as damaged or decreased kidney function measured by a decrease in the glomerular filtration rate (GFR) for a period or three or more months (Levey, et al., 2003). Initial damage to the nephron results in compensatory responses of the remaining nephrons allowing for the continuation of clearance of blood solutes. The compensatory action of the nephrons during early damage is thought to be a major cause of renal damage, because during compensation the glomerular capillary pressure is increased so much that damages are incurred leading to lesions in the glomeruli (Arora Verelli, 2010). Chronic kidney disea se is also caused by hypertension, diabetes, disorders in blood vessels and glomeruli, infections, immune system disorders, congenital disorders, and urinary tract obstructions (Guyton Hall, 2005). Clinical symptoms for chronic kidney disease are not evident until the number of functional nephrons decreases by 70-75% (Guyton Hall, 2005). The progressive deterioration in kidney function could ultimately lead to end-stage renal disease where the patient must undergo dialysis to remove wastes from the blood, or transplanted with a new kidney. Chronic kidney disease has 5 stages based on the GFR (National Kidney Foundation, 2002). Patients with the stage 1-3 of the disease do not show symptoms. At stage 4-5 electrolyte balance and endocrine disorders become evident. It is believed that the uremic disorders observed at stage 5 are due to the accumulation of toxins (Arora Verelli, 2010). Increased retention of potassium (hyperkalemia) occurs due to inability of the kidneys to excrete potassium. Metabolic acidosis results from the inability of the kidneys to produce enough ammonia necessary to react with the endogenous acid and produce ammonium. Phosphates, sulphates, and other organic anions accumulate, causing large anion gaps. Metabolic acidosis increases protein degradation and amino acid oxidation, and reduces albumin synthesis, resulting in protein-energy malnutrition, decreased body mass, and increased muscle weakness. Acidosis also interferes with Vitamin D metabolism and mineral imbalance resulting in renal osteodys trophy or renal bone disease. Renal bone disease can be averted with timely dietary measures and medications like phosphate binders and calcitriol (Renal Resource Center, 2007). Skeletal and extraskeletal complications result from the progression of renal bone disease. In chronic kidney disease, renal bone disease is categorized into four general types: (1) low turnover disease or defective mineralization; (2) high turnover bone disease brought about by high levels of the parathyroid hormone (PTH) levels; (3) beta-2-microglobulin associated bone disease; and (4) mixture of the 3 diseases (Arora Verelli, 2010). Diagnosis and management of chronic kidney disease Chronic kidney disease is diagnosed by laboratory tests on urine and serum. Serum creatinine as an estimate of glomerular filtration rate, albumin-creatinine ratio in the urine, and examination of urine sediment and dipstick test for erythrocytes and leukocytes are recommended (Levey, et al., 2003). Image analysis by ultrasound can be performed for patients with symptoms of stones, infection, obstruction of the urinary tract and having a family medical history of polycystic kidney disease. Serum electrolytes should be measured on patients who are hypertensive, diabetic, and those who have been exposed to drug toxicity. Other tests include urinary concentration or dilution, and acidification for selected patients who present symptoms of polyuria, metabolic acidosis, metabolic alkalosis, hypo- and hyperkalemia (very high levels of potassium). Kidney function is assessed by analyzing serum creatinine along with a blood urea nitrogen test (Lab Tests Online, 2009). Creatinine clearance is an indication of the efficiency of the kidneys in filtering small molecules out of the blood. A traditional and principal marker of kidney damage is persistent or recurring proteinuria (Kean Eknoyan, 1999). Proteins are large molecules, and therefore they cannot pass the membranes of the glomeruli into the urine. Glomeruli, being negatively charged, also repel proteins. Size and charge barriers do not allow the passage of proteins into urine, unless the glomeruli are damaged (Proteinuria and microalbuminuria, 2007). Proteins can be measured using reagent strip tests for point of care detection and laboratory tests, including immunoassays (Carter, Tomson, Stevens, Lamb, 2006). When the protein level is more than 3500 milligrams, extensive glomeruli damage has already occurred. An albumin (or protein)-creatinine ratio higher than 30 mg albumin/g creatinine, is abnormal since the cut-off points are greater than 17 mg/g in males and more than 25 mg/g in females (Warram, Gearin, Laffel, Krolewski, 1996; (Jacobs, Murtaugh, Steffes, Yu, Roseman, Goetz, 2002). Glomerular filtration rate (GFR) is currently the best test for detecting kidney disorders. GFR is estimated using a formula that uses serum creatinine value, and gender, age and weight of individual. The GFR has been recommended to be the main criterion in classifying kidney disease. Five stages of chronic kidney diseases have been identified based on the glomerular filtration rate (GFR) (National Kidney Foundation, 2002). Kidney damage has been proposed with normal or increased GFR of > 90 mL/min per 1.73 m2, while kidneys have already failed when the GFR greatly decreased at Indications of chronic kidney disease are varied and diverse. Increase or decrease in levels of important electrolytes phosphate, potassium and calcium. Other indications are metabolic acidosis, pericarditis, malnutrition, neuropathies and cardiovascular complications (Shlipak, et al., 2005; Tonelli, et al., 2006). The treatment of chronic kidney disease depends on the stage of the disease and should focus on several important factors (Arora Verelli, 2010). The primary objective is to delay and halt the progression of the disease by treating the known underlying condition (e.g. hypertension, diabetes). Systolic blood pressure, hyperlipidemia, and glycemic levels must be controlled, and use of angiotensin receptor blockers is recommended. Pathologic symptoms should be treated as follows: anemia with erythropoietin; high phosphate levels with dietary means for binding and restricting phosphate binders; low calcium levels with supplements and hyperparathyroidism with vitamin D analogs or calcitriol (Arora Verelli, 2010). For uremic manifestations, dialysis and transplantation are recommended depending on the stage of the diseases, and the indications. Timely planning for renal transplantation is also necessary in order to prepare the patient. Reflection on module Chronic kidney disease is prevalent worldwide, with millions of people affected. The review conducted here shows that the disease has been well characterized with respect to the point-of- care and clinical tests for diagnosis. Chronic kidney disease affects the accumulation of ions in the blood therefore leading to a multitude of adverse conditions. The US National Kidney Foundation has spearheaded efforts to standardize and systematize the different stages, diagnostic approaches and treatment modalities. Apparently, chronic kidney disease results from other disorders. Therefore it can be prevented and corrected by first preventing and curing the underlying cause. This makes the nature of the disease complicated, and solutions are also complex. What is clear is that kidney disease is mostly a result of lifestyle, since most underlying causes like diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and hyperlipidemia are mostly due to lifestyles. A limitation in the publications that were reviewed was the lack of clear recommendations on how the onset of chronic kidney disease can be prevented, and what specific medications can lead to repair of the glomeruli and the nephrons after damage has occurred. Clearly, a patient with chronic kidney disease is saddled with the knowledge that a complete cure is not possible; and it only takes a matter of time for one to have the end-stage renal disease. The challenge for the medical community is to come up with a clear preventive strategy against kidney disease, and to have other long-term options aside from dialysis or organ transplantation.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Analysis Of Sir Gawains Character Essay -- Arthurian Legends English

Analysis Of Sir Gawain's Character In Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, the character of Sir Gawain, nephew of the famed Arthur of the Round Table, is seen as the most noble of knights who is the epitome of chivalry, yet he is also susceptible to mistakes. His courtesy, honor, honesty, and courage are subjected to various tests, posed by the wicked Morgan le Fay. Some tests prove his character and the chivalrous code true and faultless, like the time he answers a challenge although it might mean his death, or remains courteous to a lady despite temptation. Other tests prove his character and the chivalrous code faulty such as the time he breaks his promise to his host, and when he flinches from a harmless blow. The first test to his courage, courtesy, humility and loyalty toward his king, Arthur, occurs when the Green Knight suddenly appears at Camelot’s New Year's feast. He offers the Round Table a challenge: the game is for a man to strike him with his axe, and twelve months and a day later, the Green Knight will return the blow. When Arthur accepts the challenge, Gawain interferes and asks Arthur with humility and courtesy to â€Å"grant him the grace to stand by him† (SGGK l. 343-344). He confesses that â€Å"he is the weakest, and of wit feeblest, and the loss of his life would not be a great tragedy at all because his body, but for Arthur’s blood, is not worth much" (SGGK l. 354-357). He asks to be granted the privilege to claim the Green Knight's challenge because it does not befit a king. Proof of Gawain’s character is substantiated by his noble acceptance of the Green Knight’s beheading game in order to â€Å"release the king outright from his obligation†(SGGK l. 365). It shows courage and loyalty that even among famed knights suc... for his life. Thus Gawain deserves less blame for his misdemeanor minor transgression. Although Gawain, like most us, is prone to evil thoughts of selfishness and dishonesty, and takes a cowardly action, "men still hold him dear" in Bercilak's castle as well as in Arthur's Camelot (SGGK l. 2465). His friends are not as disappointed with him as he is disappointed with himself. He holds himself in contempt, "rages in his heart and grieves" for the shame in his actions and the green belt that he must bear (SGGK l.251-252). He wears the girdle as a badge to remind him of his faults and to lower his pride when it becomes inflated. But he has learned from his mistakes and becomes an even better knight. Sir Gawain and the Green Knight in The Norton Anthology of English Literature 7th ed. vol.1. Abrams, M. H et al. New York: W. W. Norton & Company, 2000. 157-210.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Incorporating Global Consideration for Local Instructional Practices :: Essays Papers

Incorporating Global Consideration for Local Instructional Practices The modern Women’s studies classroom has been subjected to many changes stemming from discussions about proper and efficient discourse and method of instruction. Issues such as Socratic/discussion-led teaching or inclusion of different theories of feminist thought have made the Women’s Studies course the achievement of pedagogical compromise. The work of Third-world and anti-racist feminists has contended for inclusion of issues that affect all women and has brought feminism to place based around more global issues. Now, while these debates have led to a complete, thorough and well-balanced course, the applicative and non-theoretical aspects of the classroom need to be addressed in creating the ideal â€Å"safe space† classroom. Beyond any discussions about the specific course materials or required readings, every element of the classroom needs to be structured to create the environment that is conducive to respect and mutuality. Especially for those new to Women’s Studies, a film has the potential to be read differently than the intended reading would be. Ella Shohat discusses the Algerian nationalist film La Battaglia de Algeria (The Battle of Algiers) as one example of an anti-colonialist film with feminist ideas that, in context, misses real elements of feminism (Shohat 1997). In the film, women are portrayed as being as strong and determined in overcoming the rule of the harsh French colonialists as the men are. However, acting the same way in any other arena is frowned upon, as the visible strength of the women in the film is shown â€Å"only insofar as they perform their sacrificial service for the ‘nation’† (ibid). Also seen in this light is the film Wedding in Galilee, a P alestinian film in which the self-inflicted â€Å"de-flowering† of the bride â€Å"allegorizes the failure of an impotent patriarchy to lead toward national liberation† (ibid). These films represent the idea that women and men together must fight for the independence and freedom of a nation, but as soon as the nation is secured the equal sharing of society ends. Films with such a message serve only to create discussion and should be treated carefully when exposing students with little or no Women’s Studies background to feminism. For those times when the classroom is more than the forum for discussion and learning, the classroom becomes the locus for social interaction of students. The prospect of food and a â€Å"party† is a fun and relaxed way of relating to others usually when concluding a class or celebrating a holiday.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Totalitarian Society As Showed Essay -- essays research papers

Totaliterainism found in Animal Farm George Orwell ¹s story, Animal Farm, is a satire of Soviet Russia. In a more general sense, however, the story traces the rise and fall of any totalitarian regime. All of the animals on Animal Farm somehow contribute to either the creation, destruction, or temporary success of the totalitarian government. The original goal of the Animal Farm society is a socialist society, but it turns bad. As the animals begin the Animal Farm society, everyone is equal. As time passes, it is realized that of all the animals, the pigs are the smartest. This is slowly the beginning of Animal Farm moving froma socialistic socoety to a totalitarian society. Snowball and Napolean are two pigs who are constantly arguing over issues; they compete for power. Snowball is a good speaker and can easily persuade people, whereas Napolean is not a very good speaker. Napolean was jealous of Snowball, and he was power hungry. One day, he had his nine enourmouis dogs chase Snowball off the farm. Now Napolean was in complete control, and he made it seem like he was putting a hardship on himself by doing so. Squealer was sent around and said,  ³I trust that every animal here appreciates the sacrifice that Comrade Napolean has made in taking this extra labor upon himself. Do not imagine, comrades, that leadership is a pleasure! ² (69) It was here that the shift to totalitarianism became rapid. Aside from the pigs and dogs on Animal Farm, the other animals were not that smart....

Monday, September 16, 2019

The Macro Environment Of Brewing Industries Commerce Essay

The macro-environment of the UK brewing industry are the major external and unmanageable factors that influence its operating organisation ‘s determination devising, every bit good as its public presentation and schemes. To place and measure its cardinal factors, utilizing the PESTLE model will supply a comprehensive list of influences and cardinal drivers in six chief classs, which are: political, economic, societal, technological, legal, and environmental. This method allows concerns to see and research how their external environment might alter so that they are prepared if things should alter.PESTLE analysis of the UK Brewing IndustryPolitical Changes and reforms of Licensing Laws in line with Government policy Relaxation of gap hours and late dark gap National lower limit pay addition impacting wages and rewards EU influence and statute law sing steps of drinks EU and National Government guidelines sing wellness Local and National Government concerns sing negative facets of ‘binge imbibing ‘ Budget additions in responsibility on intoxicant Government program to increase revenue enhancements comparing to around & A ; lb ; 8million Increased responsibility on beer to 9 % and rising prices by 2 % Economic National and international economic downswing means people by and large have less disposable income for socializing Rise in staff rewards due to National Insurance and Minimum Wage additions Cut monetary value offers for intoxicant in supermarket publicities Additions in conveyance costs in line with Fuel pricing Steadily falling employment Pubs create 18 occupations per pint than the supermarkets who merely create 3 Rising costs of energy, nutrient revenue enhancement and employment Social Culturally saloons are the Centre of societal life, topographic point to run into friends and for locals to socialize Easily accessible as saloon are by and large situated near to Town Centres or on chief paths Localised locale known for gigs, unrecorded music, themed darks for younger consumers Demographically increased local pupil population Media concern with negative facets of ‘binge imbibing ‘ Increased consciousness of wellness concerns Increased advertisement on mainstream media of devouring intoxicant responsibly Wider pick and gustatory sensation of alcoholic drinks in supermarkets for consumers Technological Developments in bringing of cold beers and chilled ale Development of broad scope of flavoured alcoholic drinks Local involvement in nightlife promoted via multi-media, web sites, web logs and societal networking Ads for intoxicant consciousness and responsible imbibing on mainstream media Increased advertizement for intoxicant trade names via multi media Legal Smoking Ban Stronger enforcement of underage imbibing ordinances on local and national degree Changes in Drink Driving Laws EU statute law on steps of drinks served Environmental Recycling Waste, litter, garbage produced in local country Transportation system and bringing costs of goodsThe Macroeconomic Environment? ?Key DriversThe Changing Nature of the Competitive EnvironmentShow a Five Forces analysis of the competitory environment of the UK beer industry and discourse the changing nature and consequence of these forces ( 30 Markss )The brewery industry is extremely competitory and extremely concentrated concern. There are a figure of forces at work here all of which can supply an penetration into how appealing the brewery industry is, in footings of whether it is the type of industry to come in or go forth ; if there is room to exercise any type of influence and how the rivals within this industry impact its public presentation ( Johnson,2009 ) . To assist supply an analysis of the brewery industry and develop a concern scheme, utilizing Michael E. Porters Five Forces Model will find its competitory strength or attraction of a market.Porter ‘s Five Forces Analysis for the UK Brewery Industry***NOTES FROM WO RKSHOP: The industry is unattractive and unprofitable, the forces cut down the net incomes the house can make†¦it ‘s acquiring worseThe Strategic Directions of AdnamsAgainst the background of a worsening industry, the beer maker and saloon operator Adnams seem to be bucking the tendencies. Assess the strategic waies chosen by Adnams that have aided their advancement. ( 40 Markss )Adnams is a British brewery founded in 1890 in Southwold, Suffolk. In 2008 in malice of the economic downswing, Adnams began to do alterations in how the brewery procedure operates to cut down its impact on the environment. In making so Adnams decided to work more closely with local husbandmans and manufacturers who supply their breweries and hotels ; in add-on to this through a partnership with a local concern Adnams installed an anaerobiotic digestion works to turn brewery and nutrient waste into biogas, which has been a immense success.DecisionTable of AppendixsMeeting LogsMeeting Title:Strate gic Management AssignmentDate:22ndFebruary 2011Time:12:00Location:Kingston Hill Campus ( Library Resource Centre )Meeting No.1Attendants:Alfred Okanlawon, Andrina Beau-Pierre, Damian Brooks, Rosetta Azah-Thomas, Jermaine RandolphSubjects:Familiarize ourselves with one another and exchange contact inside informations Ensure everyone has a transcript of the instance survey Skim over the instance survey and insight possible paths for inquiries 1, 2 and 3 Following meeting day of the month: 1stMarch 2011 By the following meeting everyone should hold read and understood the instance survey to the full, and made slug points for each inquiry.Meeting Title:Strategic Management AssignmentDate:1stMarch 2011Time:12:00Location:Kingston Hill Campus ( Library Resource Centre )Meeting No.2Attendants:Alfred Okanlawon, Andrina Beau-Pierre, Damian Brooks, Rosetta Azah-Thomas, Jermaine RandolphSubjects:Gather all the notes made for each inquiry Decide who will make which inquiry Following meeting day of the month: 8thMarch 2011 By the following meeting everyone should hold made a start on their assigned inquiry so that everyone can read over it and offer suggestionsMeeting Title:Strategic Management AssignmentDate:17thMarch 2011Time:14:00Location:Kingston Hill Campus ( Mid Level )Meeting No.3Attendants:Alfred Okanlawon, Andrina Beau-Pierre, Damian Brooks, Rosetta Azah-Thomas, Jermaine RandolphSubjects:Combined the work that everyone has done so far separately for each inquiry Whatever is left to make everyone should make, and we will convey it together for the following meeting Following meeting day of the month: 22ndMarch 2011 By the following meeting all the inquiries will be answered by everyone and set together jointly and everyone will read the assignment and take notes on which subdivisions they feel are irrelevant so that it will be cut down to do relevant together so that everyone is happy with its contentMeeting Title:Strategic Management AssignmentDate:22ndMarch 2011Time:11:00Location:Kingston Hill Campus ( )Meeting No.Attendants:Alfred Okanlawon, Andrina Beau-Pierre, Damian Brooks, Rosetta Azah-Thomas, Jermaine RandolphSubjects:To discourse why subdivisions of the assignment are irrelevant To take out subdivisions that everyone agrees are irrelevant Following meeting day of the month:Meeting Title:Strategic Management AssignmentDate:24ndMarch 2011Time:13:00Location:Kingston Hill Campus ( )Meeting No.Attendants:Alfred Okanlawon, Andrina Beau-Pierre, Damian Brooks, Rosetta Azah-Thomas, Jermaine RandolphSubjects:To compose up the debut ( foreword ) and decision as a group Hand in the assignment Following meeting day of the month:

Pest Pizzahut

ENVIRONMENTAL AND INTERNAL ANALYSIS OF PIZZA HUT In our visit to Pizza Hut we conducted research on PEST (Political, Economic, Social and Technological) Analysis. In the internal analysis of Pizza Hut we have considered SWOT of the Company. PEST (Political, Economic, Social & Technological) i. POLITICAL ISSUES: Political issues include regulatory frame work operating in judicial system which may affect the business in different ways. There are not many political factors in Peshawar affecting Pizza Hut as is lack of competition. Factors such as laws on business employment, pollution and taxation apply on the organization which it has to follow regarding the rules. ii. ECNOMIC FACTORS: If the county’s economy is better so the GDP of the country will be good, this is a green signal for the business as the per capita income of the people will be increased and they will spend more money. In our survey we came to know that most of the people in the beginning of the months spend more and they visit pizza hut very often. When the inflation rate increases the cost of raw material also increases and this leads towards high prices of the products and vice versa. iii. SOCIAL FACTORS: Pizza hut is a multinational and it is basically originated from America so the organization is overwhelmed by western culture. There are social forms of society which consist of Upper class, middle class, middle upper class, lower class and lower class. Every country has cultural norms, values, beliefs and religion which can affect the organization. iv. TECHNOLOGICAL FACTORS: Now a day’s technology is improving so as baking and heating ovens will be of new and efficient technology and will provide efficient service. Due to new technology there are new ways of marketing like internet; telemarketing and the organization can advertise their products with much more faster pace. Computer based customer data that is MIS (managing information system) helps in collecting customer data, daily transactions, future forecasting and decision making. New vehicles will make their service more efficient. ?

Sunday, September 15, 2019

On Compassion

Annotated Bibliography â€Å"On Compassion† Ascher, Barbara. â€Å"On Compassion†. 5O Essays. Ed. Samuel Cohen. Boston: Bedford/St. Martin's, 2004. 35-38. Print. Barbara Ascher’s essay offers examples of everyday life in New York City to support her thoughts about compassion. She uses two different encounters to back up her arguments and points. The first encounter involved a woman, with a child, giving money to a homeless person as he starred at the precious child. Ascher questioned as to why the woman gave to the homeless. Was it fear or compassion that motivated the gift?The second encounter involved a homeless person coming into a cafe, smelling of cigarettes and urine and the owner rushing to hand the man a coffee and a bag of food. Twice Ascher has witnessed this and one argument made was, what compelled the woman to feed the man? Was it because of pity? Care? Compassion? As winter comes the mayor kicks all the homeless of the streets and into Bellevue Hosp ital. Ascher thinks that what the mayor is doing shows compassion, but another side of her fears it is because of â€Å"raw humanity offending our sensibilities†(38).She uses interesting words to basically describe how people don’t like to face reality and see how life really is. People just walk past the homeless, pretend nothing is wrong and life is perfect; forgetting about the other humans in rags, starving, and living day to day on the street and in parks. For most it wasn’t a lifestyle chosen, yet people only see what is right in front of their eyes; â€Å"An awareness of rags with voices that make no sense and scream in inarticulate rage†(38). Ascher believes and states that, â€Å"Compassion is not a character trait like sunny disposition.It must be learned, and it is learned by having adversity at our windows, coming through the gates of our yards, the walls of our towns, adversity that becomes so familiar that we begin to identify and empathize with it. †(38) Ascher then, compares the homeless to the Ancient Greeks, reminding us of our common humanity. In my opinion, I believe that the point of this essay was to speak to people through writing. Ascher made very good points about her beliefs on compassion. For example, how she believes compassion is learned and not just a character trait. I for one agree with her.Being compassionate is not something that you should describe yourself as, but more so an action of doing or giving without second-guessing, or thinking of it. It’s something you pick up as a child in your home and community and it grows on you, it becomes part of your identity. In Ascher’s essay she gets her point across with plenty of arguments to back it up. She uses encounters from everyday life so readers can see and understand where she is coming from. Ascher made me change how I see and think about compassion. That’s why she is such a great writer because the execution of her work is just excellent.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

About Jhumpa Lahiri

About Jhumpa Lahiri, Jhumpa Lahiri is an Indian- American author. She was born on 11 July 1967 in London and is daughter of Indian immigrants from Bengal. She grew up in Kingston, Rhode island. She graduated from South Kingstown High school and later achieved multiple degrees in Boston university. In 2001, She married Alberto vourvoulias –Bush, A journalist who was then a deputy editor of â€Å"The Times†. Interpreter of maladies Lahiri’s short stories faced rejection from publishers for years.But, Finally in 1999, Her first short story composition was released. The short stories address sensitive dilemmas in the lives of Indians. Including themes such as miscarriages and martial difficulties. Also, the disconnection between first and second generation United States immigrants. It was highly praised by American critics and sold 600,000 copies. Also, it received the 2000 Pulitzer price for Fiction The namesake â€Å"The Namesake† was Lahiri’s first n ovel and was published in 2003. The story spans over thirty years in the Ganguli family.The Calcutta born parents emigrated as young adults to The United States Of America with their children Gongol and Sonia where they experienced the constant generational and cultural gap. Lahiri made herself as a cameo â€Å"Aunt Jhumpa†. Unaccustomed earth â€Å"Unaccustomed Earth, Her second collection of novels was published on 1 April, 2008. It went to the number 1 spot just few days after it’s release on the New York best-seller list. It was praised a lot by all critics and masses and sold thousands and thousands of copies.Achievements and awards * 1993 – TransAtlantic Award from the Henfield Foundation * 1999 –  O. Henry Award  for short story â€Å"Interpreter of Maladies† * 1999 –  PEN/Hemingway Award  (Best Fiction Debut of the Year) for â€Å"Interpreter of Maladies† * 1999 – â€Å"Interpreter of Maladies† selected as one of  Best American Short Stories * 2000 – Addison Metcalf Award from the  American Academy of Arts and Letters * 2000 – â€Å"The Third and Final Continent† selected as one of  Best American Short Stories 2000 –  The New Yorker's Best Debut of the Year for â€Å"Interpreter of Maladies† * 2000 –  Pulitzer Prize for Fiction  for her debut â€Å"Interpreter of Maladies† * 2000 –  James Beard Foundation's M. F. K. Fisher Distinguished Writing Award for â€Å"Indian Takeout† in  Food & Wine Magazine * 2002 –  Guggenheim Fellowship * 2002 – â€Å"Nobody's Business† selected as one of  Best American Short Stories * 2008 –  Frank O'Connor International Short Story Award  for â€Å"Unaccustomed Earth† * 2009 –  Asian American Literary Award  for â€Å"Unaccustomed Earth†

Friday, September 13, 2019

Marketing transportation homework Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Marketing transportation homework - Essay Example Q15. A global sourcing development model has the following components: planning (finding the global sourcing opportunities & challenges), specification (quantifying and qualifying current resources), evaluation (Whether the supplier is matching the selection criterion), relationship management (building mutually beneficial long term relationship in cross cultural dimensions), transportation and holding costs (tradeoff between them), implementation, and monitoring and improvement (if any). Establishing a sourcing strategy is one of the most difficult tasks for procurement function. Hidden costs associated with procurement change the expected benefits significantly. These hidden costs must be taken into account during sourcing - a. Ocean carriers and international airlines have direct relation with nation’s economy, because they affect the nation’s balance of payments. Countries with weak balance of payments may impose license or permit on goods

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Catfish and Mandala Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Catfish and Mandala - Essay Example His identity as a Viet-kieu - a Vietnamese who now lives in a foreign land like the United States (Martin, 2000), had brought him as much challenge as he had ever thought of. At a certain point in someone else's life, there comes a point when, even if the situation tells you that you have been the luckiest man in the world, there is only emptiness felt. Just like Andrew Pham who had been a successful engineer in California, found nothing but emptiness alone even as, according to the norms of the society, he had been victorious against the battle of the foreign land he used to know twenty years ago. When his post-operated transsexual sister had committed suicide, Pham found it hard to have peace of mind. He blames himself for his sister's untimely death. Thus, eager to find out what brought his sister to commit such unforgivable act, he went back to his hometown to figure out his real identity as a Vietnamese-American who feels out-of-place in a country he had lived for over twenty years already yet unwelcome due to their race. Catfish and Mandala is a book that is a combination of a travelogue, a memoir, and a self-discovery help book in one. The plot of the story varies from Pham's journey around the Pacific Rim, through Japan and finally through his homeland, covering the stretch of the American-built Highway 1 from Ho Chi Minh City (HCMC) to Hanoi, and the details of his family's struggles when hey first stepped onto the foreign land of the United States. Pham was able to illustrate his family's struggle against racism and the language barrier for which they had felt how it was being a stranger lost in a land you know nothing about. There was at the same time enough evidences shown in the story regarding the confusions that had them torn between two extremely different customs - the American culture and the Vietnamese culture - that are essential in recognizing one's own identity. ("Paperbacks") The moment Pham had set foot on the Vietnam land, various thoughts of his childhood occurred to him. Although they had been bleak, Pham could remember how his childhood had shaped his future that he holds in his hands at present. Now, bicycling and looking around the country where he had been born, Pham could not even at the least feel sorry for the people who had remained in the country after the fall of Saigon. He felt hardly against their situation and blamed such luck on their capitalist society. Pham, instead of feeling apologetic about the condition of his fellow Vietnamese of the lingering poverty that they still have after a long time, he felt nothing but to blame them for what they have become. But his quest to finding his own identity had made him feel good, but at the same time bad. He had the best privileges of being recognized as a Viet-kieu. On the other hand, he had worst experiences for being mistaken for being a Japanese or a Korean. (Martin, 2000) Pham had been able to meet different kinds of people. Some of whom had been like his old friends and some were total strangers to him. Every single conversation with them was like bits and pieces of puzzles that automatically bring itself in its place that makes up his identity. Pham needs no longer find where to put each piece into the right place because it involuntarily puts itself to where

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

LEGAL ENVIRONMENT 4 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

LEGAL ENVIRONMENT 4 - Essay Example to get the contract approved by the Niger president. The bribes were accepted by the Niger officials and the contract to supply arms went through. Analysis : According to the provisions of the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act it is unlawful for any U.S. citizen / company, to bribe or to make a corrupt payment to a foreign official of any govt. or company for the sole purpose of obtaining or retaining business in order to beat the competition. According to the Anti- Bribery provisions of the FCPA it applies to any individual, firm, officer, director, employee, or agent of a firm and any stockholder acting on behalf of a firm. Also the person who makes or authorizes of making the payment should have a corrupt intention, and the payment must be directed to induce the recipient to misuse his official position to direct business wrongfully to the payer or to any other person. -- The FCPA completely prohibits payments, making a offer of bribe, or making a promise to pay (or authorizing a third party or intermediary to pay or offer) money or anything of value. The prohibition applies to any foreign public official irrespective of his ra nk or position, it also extends of making corrupt payments to a foreign political party or party official, or any candidate for foreign political office. According to FCPA the prohibition applies to payments made in order to assist the firm / company in obtaining or retaining business for or with, or directing business to, any person. ( S 78dd-2. Prohibited foreign trade practices by domestic concerns).Now if we analyze the facts of the Niger case in light of the provisions of the FCPA the case is crystal clear. In the Niger case the Vice President of NAPCO Richard H. Liebo was directly involved in first promising to pay one Captain Ali Tiemogo, chief of maintenance for the Niger Air Force in return for getting the contract of supply of arms by NAPCO to be approved by the president. Even later, Liebo was directly involved as a representative of NAPCO in paying bribes to Captain Ali Tiemogo and his cousin Tahirou Barke who incidentally was also the first consular for the Niger Embass y in Washington,DC. NAPCO issued commission checks to three "agents" identified as Amadou Mailele, Captain Tiemogo's brother-in-law; Fatouma Boube, Captain Tiemogo's sister-in-law; and Miss E. Dave, Mr. Barke's girlfriend. It is immaterial that Neither Mr. Mailele, Ms. Boube, nor Ms Dave, however, received the commission checks or acted as NAPCO's agent and these individuals were merely intermediaries through whom NAPCO made payments to Captain Tiemogo and Mr. Barke as according to FCPA even payments made to or through intermediaries is liable to prosecution. Even the fact that neither NAPCO's corporate president, Henri Jacob, nor another superior of Mr. Liebo's approved the payment of these "commission payments." is immaterial and NAPCO is liable for prosecution as per the penal provisions of FCPA. This position is also supported by the judicial decisions in United States of America, Appellee, vs. Robert Richard KING, Appellant.( 2003 WL 22938694 (8th Cir.(Mo) and USA versus David Kay(Appeal from the United States District Court for the Southern District of Texas(No. Crim.A.H-01-914)

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Internet is beneficial (argumentative) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Internet is beneficial (argumentative) - Essay Example Evidently, many people in the society have a measure of knowledge concerning the internet, especially concerning the potential to connect the globe irrespective of the distance. Moreover, different groups of people are familiar with other realms of possibilities brought about by the internet. For example, students recognize the provision of online schooling and jobs made possible by the internet. Without doubt, there are multiple controversies surrounding the positive and negative impacts of the internet in the society. In my research, I will seek to prove that the internet has served to transform the society positively through its numerous benefits. Readers will benefit from the research, as they will become familiar with the benefits of the internet despite the negative popularity associated with it. The media has been committed in developing different stories concerning the internet. Through the television, newspapers and online articles, I am bombarded with multiple articles discussing the potential impacts of the media, as well as other sources describing the origin of the internet and its effects in the recent past. One of the intriguing articles that I read touched on the development of the internet in the 1990s. The article revealed that the initial commercial browser that people relied on was the mosaic, and yahoo emerged a few years later. The 1990s saw an increasing popularity of the internet, with an increasing number of people owning computers, and seeking to have access to the internet. Reports reveal that 40 % of the American population owned computers by 1998, and 33 % of the computer owners accessed the internet. The increasing use of the internet sparked a debate concerning the nature of its influence. Notably, people ha realized that the internet was transforming societies, explaining why they sought to analyze the type of influence registered. The media have relied on the models of influence

Monday, September 9, 2019

International Business Environment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3750 words

International Business Environment - Essay Example India is one of the largest markets in the world in terms of its size and with the growing GDP, the spending propensity too will increase within the next decade. Although there is a certain degree of political and business risks involved in Indian investments, these do not surpass that of any other developing nation. In terms of its tourism industry, the local market is equally important as the foreign tourist inflows and the industry competitiveness is currently placed in average scale though forecasted for high growth during next decade. India has changed its stance from a closed economy to a open economy with much success with a short span of time and its ranking in global trade and FDI is very promising. Many new initiatives and policy measures have been recently introduced to promote international trade and tourism industry in particular as well as creating favourable FDI climate. However the country is still saddled with bureaucratic red tape and administrative restrictions. Me mbership in WTO and being party to many regional integration agreements place India in a reliable perspective in the eyes of potential investors. The country is also extending a high regard for intellectual property rights and has already implemented WTO’s TRIPS agreement. Closely managed Indian monetary system is one of the key deterrence and hindrances faced by many international investors and the close scrutiny of profit repatriation needs to be noted.

Sunday, September 8, 2019

Nigeria and Canada are two places I have lived in, they are however so Essay

Nigeria and Canada are two places I have lived in, they are however so different in a lot of ways - Essay Example Some provinces have both Goods and Services Tax (GST) and Provincial Sales Tax (PST), some have just Provincial Sales Tax (PST) and yet some have the Harmonized Sales Tax (HST). The bottom line is that goods and services are taxable in Canada. Taxes are not paid on items purchased or on services utilized in Nigeria. It is only the actual price of the good or service that is paid for at any point in time. Nigeria operates a non-tax method of payment on goods and services. Canada and Nigeria are two countries that are so different in their methods of operation. One appears to be one extreme from the other in the way things are done. I have lived in both of them and have observed the clear differences. I think the differences have to do with the fact that Nigeria is a Third world country, while Canada is a developed country. I don't wholly accept the way Canada operates as compared to Nigeria and Vice Versa, I however, appreciate some policies of Canada and those of Nigeria. They are unique in themselves and prove to be very interesting places to

Saturday, September 7, 2019

Week 4 b-3 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Week 4 b-3 - Essay Example It also arises from the alternating schedules of the respective patients. Additionally, patients commonly have busy schedules and end up missing doses. Patients usually exhibit this form of non-adherence, comprehend their prescription, and they like to adhere appropriately in most situations. However, it is challenging to comply because the level of complexity existing in their lives interferes with their efforts of adherence or because they do not prioritize the management of their medical conditions. Patients, who have changing schedules of work or disorganized lifestyles, may use the plan to ease the difficulty in establishing their habit of a new medication regimen. The strategy that practitioners must consider is the plan for emphasizing on patients adherence during the weekends as most individuals adhere during the weekdays. Within the plan, they can incorporate the strategies to develop an erratic adherence centre on the simplification of the regimen, for instance, initiating a once-a-day dosing (Kocurek, 2009). The plan must establish new habits by linking, for instance, keeping the drugs next to the toothpaste or toothbrush. Additionally, they can encourage the use of memory aids and cues such as pill organizers to assist in the enforcement of adherence (McCall, Dunbar-Jacob & Puskar,

University of California Irvine Essay Example for Free

University of California Irvine Essay I believe that the best aspects about the University of California Irvine’s business program are its competent and highly knowledgeable educators, its friendly environment, and its highly-competitive and extensive curriculum. For me, these three aspects not only place the school as one of the top universities, but it also moulds students to become adept and highly skilled professionals in their careers. Furthermore, I believe that UCI’s business program would more than provide me with the necessary skills and knowledge that would enable me to become a highly competent and very successful businessman. In addition, considering the UCI’s well-established reputation, the school would also teach me the right attitudes and inculcate in me the proper values that I need to achieve my goals. However, aside from the fundamentals in business, the program would also allow me specialize in other areas such marketing, finance, accountancy, and management, among others. In other words, if am accepted into the program, I would have the potential to become not only a top-caliber businessman, but also an adept professional in marketing analysis, business management, and corporate accountancy. Moreover, the UCI’s campus has a very rich environment, especially the Aldrich Park, which is highly suitable for learning. For me, its amazing architecture and beautiful surroundings effectively facilitates interaction among peers and contributes to its students’ enthusiasm to study, which I believe are two important things that would help me in my professional and personal growth. Over-all, I believe that if am blessed and fortunate enough to be accepted in the school’s business program, I would no doubt be learning from best and as a result, I would be able to excel in any endeavor or any field I would choose.

Friday, September 6, 2019

Freudian Reading on Othello Essay Example for Free

Freudian Reading on Othello Essay Freudian Reading on â€Å"Othello† Is it possible for other people to act as our superegos? What are the effects of never resolving your oedipal complex? And when a situation becomes to over whelming, do we project our thought and feelings on to our peers? I am using â€Å"Through the Literary Looking Glass: Critical Theory in Practice† by Sian Evans and â€Å"Othello† by William Shakespeare to analyse the characters Othello and Iago as well as the major theme jealousy through a Freudian lens. The aim of this psychoanalysis is to try and give a better understanding of the character’s motivations and unconscious, narcissistic desires. The theme jealousy is revealed by both these characters throughout the play shows us how we need to be well rounded people, and the effects this has if we are not. The opening act of â€Å"Othello† begins with the marriage of Desdemona and Othello in Venice, Italy. Here we see a black, middle aged man, marry a fair, young, Venetian woman in front of an upper class white society. (This was highly frowned upon at that point in history). As the play proceeds Iago suggests to Othello that Desdemona is sleeping with Cassio, and tries to corrupt their marriage. This behaviour seems somewhat childish coming from a grown man and shows us how Iago doesn’t use his superego to control his id, as well as displaying his immense jealousy of Othello. However Othello believes what Iago is saying, as he has a reputation of being an â€Å"honest man†. Iago continues to insinuate Desdemona’s dishonesty to Othello and provides fake evidence. Othello gets increasingly â€Å"green-eyed† by the â€Å"poison† that Iago is telling him and becomes so overwhelmed by this jealousy that he goes back to his natural instincts, resolving issues through murder. This is a result of him joining the army at 7 and since then all he has known is war. The play ends with Othello acting on impulse and under the influence of his violent superego, murdering Desdemona, and then Iago after he realises Desdemona was innocent. He then proceeds to commit suicide as he believed this act would be considered noble, restore his reputation, and relieve his conscious mind of his violent actions. Othello is a mentally and emotionally frail character in the play. He joined the army at a young age and gradually became recognised in society as something other than a then a â€Å"middle aged†, â€Å"black moor†, due to his high rank in the army and then marrying Desdemona. However  when a supposedly â€Å"honest Iago† starts suggesting Othello’s wife is unfaithful, he is easily able to mentally control Othello through him never having resolved his oedipal complex. Othello had never resolved his oedipal complex because we see him give his mother’s handkerchief to Desdemona. Freud describes this as a method of transference and Othello is transferring his repressed love for his mother on to Desdemona. Iago then acting as Othello’s id then reveals Othello’s murderous superego which was caused by decades of warfare. We visually see this in the play when he says â€Å"How shall I murder him Iago† when Iago implies Cassio is sleeping with Desdemona. Here, Othello is also showing that his oedipal complex is still not resolved by transferring his repressed emotions on to new objects through his desire to murder Cassio (being the father) in order to be closer to Desdemona (being the mother). Later in the play we see hi s superego again when Desdemona (the woman he loves) becomes his enemy and he kills her. This act of murder was purely out of jealousy and the fear of him losing his reputation he has worked so hard for. â€Å"Yet she must die, else shell betray more men,† Shows us how Othello is subconsciously protecting his soldiers. Though a Freudian perspective it appears that Shakespeare has used Othello as a character to show us that if you are brought up with murder or warfare when you are young, you might never be able to overcome your violent superego as you get older and the detrimental effects this has. Shakespeare has also shown us how sublimation is applied through Othello, as he is someone that has the urge to hurt and kill and thus joined the army, so that the act of killing is morally justified by protecting their country or soldiers. He may not kill the person he wants to kill necessarily, but they will release their feelings by killing the enemy, if unless these feelings are manipulated by an external factor (Iago). Although many years have passed since â€Å"Othello† was written, people can still relate to it because human nature does not change. We all question those who are close to us, and whether or not they are honest and loyal. Shakespeare is using Othello to warn us of disastrous co nsequences that may arise when you are manipulated by a person (Iago) that capitalises on the jealous nature of another human. Iago is an extremely jealous character in the play. He is envious of Othello’s reputation, higher rank in the army, wife, and that he is more respected in a white society than him; even though he is middle aged and  black. This shown through the quote; â€Å"But for my sport and profit. I hate the Moor†Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬Å"He has done my office†. Reputation means to a lot to Iago, and overall that’s all he cares about most, which shows narcissism and racism in his character. He believed that Othello robbed him of his reputation. We see this through the quote; â€Å"But he that filches from me my good name, Robs me of that which not enriches him, and makes me poor indeed†. Iago doesn’t use his superego to control his id so his urges and desires are unrestrained. This is shown throughout the play in his successful attempt to corrupt Othello’s marriage. Nearly one hundred per cent of the time when Iago is with Othello he is using reverse psychology to act as Othello’s superego and make him more jealous of Cassio; â€Å"O beware, my lord, of Jealousy! It is the green-eyed monster†. This is displaying two perspectives on Iago’s physiological state. Either Iago has zero control over his id, and just lets his jealous mind run wild. Or, he chooses not to control his psychopathic mind with his superego. This results in him tricking Othello into consciously thinking he’s jealous when he unconsciously isn’t. For example, when Othello asks for living reason (proof) that Desdemonas been disloyal, Iago tells him about an erotic dream that Cassio supposedly had one night while he was lying in bed next to Iago. In slee p I heard him say â€Å"Sweet Desdemona, let us be wary, let us hide our loves†. After Iago tells these rumours he then covers his tracks by deceiving Othello. An example of this is when he says; â€Å"Men should be what they seem† which is ironic coming from him, as he is not what he seems. He is deceptive and believable, and for Othello that is bad news for someone who is so easily jealous and mentally frail. â€Å"He hath a person and a smooth dispose, to be suspected, framed to make women false. The Moor is of a free and open nature, that thinks men honest but that seem to be so† This quote is reinforcing how Iago believes Othello will be easy to manipulate and deceive. Through this psychoanalysis we have a greater understanding of Iago’s motivations and unconscious desires. We see how he projected an overwhelming amount of jealousy he had for Othello on to him, and even though he thought he was in control of the situation and that he would come out on top, it led to both of their demise. For Iago jealousy played on the trust he developed in his relationship with Othello and whether Othello would believe him. However even though Othello did believe and trust Iago, Shakespeare still shows us  that jealousy destroys relationships and consumes the mind. My psychoanalysis of â€Å"Othello† has given me a new understanding of the play for a different perspective from what I would normally view it from. Iago and Othello both had major flaws in their characters which ultimately lead to their demise. Iago couldn’t control his id, which meant he was always acting on impulse without control of the superego and there was only a matter of time before he slipped up. Then Othello never resolving his oedipal complex meant someone like Iago could easily manipulate and mentally corrupt him. Both these characters have shown us as readers how we need to be well rounded people so we are not as easily susceptible to jealousy, and the effects this has if we are not.