Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Law in Malaysia

Law is a system of rules and guidelines, usually enforced through a set of institutions. It shapes politics, economics and society in numerous ways and serves as a social mediator of relations between people. For example, Contract law regulates everything from buying a bus ticket to trading on derivatives markets and Property law defines rights and obligations related to the transfer and title of personal and real property and so on. Then, Natural law or the law of nature (Latin: lex naturalis) has been described as a law whose content is set by nature and is thus universal. As classically used, natural law refers to the use of reason to analyze human nature and deduce binding rules of moral behavior While Rule of Law is the absolute supremacy of the law over everybody, both the rulers and the ruled. The rule of law is a legal maxim that provides that no person is above the law, that no one can be punished by the state except for a breach of the law, and that no one can be convicted of breaching the law except in the manner set forth by the law itself. NATURAL LAW The unwritten body of universal moral principles that underlie the ethical and legal norms by which human conduct is sometimes evaluated and governed. Natural law is often contrasted with positive law, which consists of the written rules and regulations enacted by government. The term natural law is derived from the Roman term jus naturale. Adherents to natural law philosophy are known as naturalists. Naturalists believe that natural law principles are an inherent part of nature and exist regardless of whether government recognizes or enforces them. Naturalists further believe that governments must incorporate natural law principles into their legal systems before justice can be achieved. There are three schools of natural law theory: divine natural law, secular natural law, and historical natural law. Common law in Malaysia takes the form of Natural law RULE OF LAW: The Rule of Law, in its most basic form, is the principle that no one is above the law. The rule follows logically from the idea that truth, and therefore law, is based upon fundamental principles which can be discovered, but which cannot be created through an act of will. The most important application of the rule of law is the principle that governmental authority is legitimately exercised only in accordance with written, publicly disclosed laws adopted and enforced in accordance with established procedural steps that are referred to as due process. The principle is intended to be a safeguard against arbitrary governance, whether by a totalitarian leader or by mob rule. Thus, the rule of law is hostile both to dictatorship and to anarchy. The rule of law in its modern sense owes a great deal to the late Professor AV Dicey. Professor Dicey's writings about the rule of law are of enduring significance. The essential characteristic of the rule of law are: i. The supremacy of law, which means that all persons (individuals and government) are subject to law. ii. A concept of justice which emphasises interpersonal adjudication, law based on standards and the importance of procedures. iii. Restrictions on the exercise of discretionary power. iv. The doctrine of judicial precedent. v. The common law methodology. vi. Legislation should be prospective and not retrospective. vii. An independent judiciary. viii. The exercise by Parliament of the legislative power and restrictions on exercise of legislative power by the executive. ix. An underlying moral basis for all law. Legislative Authority – Source of Primary Legislation- Malaysia Legislative authority is the power to enact laws applicable to the Federation as a whole under Article 66(1) of Federal Constitution. At Federal level, the legislative power is vested in a bicameral Parliament headed by the  Yang di-Pertuan Agong  and comprises the  Dewan Negara  (House of Senate) and  Dewan Rakyat  (House of Representatives). The  Dewan Negara  has 70 members, of whom 44 are nominated by the  Yang di-Pertuan Agong, and 26 elected by the State Legislative Assemblies. The  Dewan Rakyat  is fully elected and has 219 members. The duration of the life of each Parliament and State Legislatures is about five years and is split into one-year sessions, after which the session is terminated or prorogued usually in September. The distribution of law-making authority between the Federal and State Governments is enumerated in the Ninth Schedule of the Federal Constitution; and is set out in a Federal List, State List and a Concurrent List. The main subject areas of the Federal List are external affairs, defence, internal security, civil and criminal law, citizenship, finance, commerce and shipping industry, communications, health and labour. EXECUTIVE AUTHORITY – Source of Subsidiary Legislation Malaysia The Executive is vested with the authority to govern and administer the laws by way of delegated and drafts Bills as provided under Article 39 of the Federal Constitution. The power to govern that is vested in the  Yang di-Pertuan Agong  is however exercisable by a Cabinet of Ministers headed by the Prime Minister. The Cabinet is answerable to the  Yang di-Pertuan Agong  as the head of Executive Authority in the country. Each executive act of the Federal Government flows from his Royal authority, whether directly or indirectly. However, in accordance with the principle of a democratic ruling system, the Chief Executive is the Prime Minister. The  Yang di-Pertuan Agong  appoints a Cabinet – a council of Ministers – to advise him in the exercise of his functions. It consists of the Prime Minister and an unspecified number of Ministers who must all be members of Parliament either the  Dewan Rakyat  (House of Representatives) or  Dewan Negara  (House of Senate). The Ministers hold different portfolios and are collectively responsible for all decisions made by the Cabinet, which is the highest policy-making body in the country. Judicial Authority – Source of Case Law The Judiciary is empowered to hear and determine civil and criminal matters, and to decide on the legality of any legislative or executive acts as provided under Article 125A of the Federal Constitution. It is also conferred authority by law to interpret the Federal and State Constitutions. The courts can pronounce o n the validity or otherwise of any law passed by parliament and they can pronounce on the meaning of any provision of the constitution. The jurisdiction of the Malaysian courts is determined by the Courts of Judicature Act 1964 for Superior Courts and the Subordinate Courts Act 1948 for Subordinate Courts The Malaysian Courts of Justice are made up of the Superior Courts and the Subordinate Courts. The Superior Courts comprise of the Federal Court (the highest court), the Court of Appeal and the two High Courts. By virtue of Act 121(1) of the Federal Constitution judicial power in the Federation is vested on two High Courts of Coordinate jurisdiction and status namely the High Court of Malaya for Peninsular Malaysia and the High Court of Borneo for Sabah and Sarawak. ———————————————— In conflict with natural law Upholding the rule of law can sometimes require the punishment of those who commit offenses that are  justifiable  under  natural law  but not statutory law. Heidi M. Hurd  raises the exam ple of a  battered woman  who rightly believes that there is a strong probability that her husband will eventually attempt to kill her and her children unless she  preemptively  kills him. If the law does not permit the acquittal of those who claim  self-defense  in the absence of an  imminent threat  of harm, then the woman must be punished, or â€Å"what will become of the rule of law? For law seemingly ceases to be law if judges are entitled to rethink its wisdom in every case to which it applies and to disregard it whenever it is inferior to the rule that they would fashion. † http://www. nyulawglobal. org/Globalex/Malaysia. htm#_2. _Legislative_Authority

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Age and sex discrimination Essay

The terms ageism and sexism were coined about the same time (1969 and 1970, respectively), but sexism has become more widely used than ageism (Schick, 2006:7). Almost everyone has heard of sexism. Until recently, few people had heard of ageism. Both concepts refer to prejudice or discrimination against a category of people: sexism is usually directed against women, and ageism is usually directed against the aged. However, sometimes sexism is directed against men (by some extreme feminists), and ageism is sometimes directed against younger people (â€Å"positive ageism,† Palmore, 1990: 44). Prejudice is a negative attitude toward a category of people that is inaccurate and resistant to change. Discrimination is an inappropriate treatment of a category of people, usually based on prejudice (Atchley, 2001:17). Sexism and ageism combine in all possible ways: a few areas show neither one, more areas are affected by one but not the other, but most areas are affected by both. There may be some areas with neither ageism nor sexism, although it is hard to think of any area completely free of such prejudice. In some areas there is sexism with little or no ageism. For example, it is generally believed that women of any age should not marry men younger than themselves, but it is all right for men to marry women younger than themselves. This is a main reason why there are over five times as many widows as widowers over 65. On the other hand, in some areas there is ageism but little or no sexism. For example, many people believe that most old people are feeble or senile, regardless of gender. The fact is that the majority of people over 65 are neither feeble nor senile. In most areas both ageism and sexism combine to intensify the problems of older women. For example, women of all ages tend to have lower incomes than men (sexism), but older women also tend to have even lower incomes than younger women (ageism). This situation is often called â€Å"double jeopardy† because of the combined effects (Schick, 2006: 99). Sontag (1972) coined the term â€Å"double standard of aging. † This refers to the combination of sexism and ageism that multiplies the effects of both, more than would be expected on the basis of simply adding the two effects. For example, being physically attractive is more important in most women’s lives than in men’s (sexism); and there is a common belief that older persons are generally not as attractive as young people (ageism). However, women’s grey hair, wrinkles, bulges, and stooped bodies receive harsher judgment than those of men. For many women, aging means a â€Å"humiliating process of gradual sexual disqualification† (Sontag, 1972: 30-35), while many men enjoy more romantic success later in life because they have more status, money, and power than they had earlier. As a result, being a â€Å"spinster† or â€Å"old maid† is considered a pitiful status, while being an older bachelor is not so bad. Notice that there is no male equivalent of â€Å"old maid. † It may be objected that many older women do not mind this â€Å"sexual disqualification† and adjust to it by renouncing all interest in sexual activities or by becoming lesbians. This is true, but beside the point. The point is that sexism combined with ageism tends to enforce this â€Å"sexual disqualification† whether or not the woman likes it (Levin and Levin, 2000:210). There are many sources of ageism: individual, social, and cultural (Palmore, 1990:51). The individual sources include authoritarian personalities, frustration and aggression, selective perception, rationalization, and death anxiety. The social sources include modernization, competition, obsolescence, segregation, and selffulfilling prophecies. The cultural sources include the process of blaming the victim, differing value orientations, language, humor, songs, art, literature, television, and cultural lag. There are probably just as many sources of sexism that have been documented and analyzed elsewhere (Friedan, 1963: 107). The most popular sources of sexism that seem to increase in old age are humor and language. Negative jokes about women of all ages are common. However, jokes about old women seem to be relatively more frequent and more negative than those about younger women (Palmore, 1990:53). As any student of racism or sexism knows, negative humor is one of the most common and effective ways to perpetuate negative stereotypes about a minority group. One reason negative humor about a group is so common and effective is that it is passed off as â€Å"just a joke† or â€Å"harmless humor. † In fact, negative humor is rarely harmless and is especially insidious because its viciousness is masked by its overt â€Å"funniness. † Thus the age-concealment jokes reinforce the stereotype that all older women are ashamed of their age, while older men are not. It may well be that somewhat more old women are ashamed of their age than are old men (because of the â€Å"double standard of aging†), but that is beside the point. Similarly, the status of old maid is generally considered more negative than that of old bachelor, but that too is beside the point. The point is that such negative humor reinforces prejudice against older women. One of the most subtle but pervasive influences of culture on our attitudes is our language: the words we use to identify or describe a person or group; the derivations, definitions, and connotations of the words; their synonyms and antonyms; and the context in which they are used. Our language often supports ageism in all of these ways (Palmore, 1990:57). In addition, two analyses of words for elders have found that many of them also reflect sexism. Covey (1998) found that terms for old women have a much longer history of negative connotations than those for old men, because women not only faced a long history of ageism, but also sexism and religious persecution (as in witch hunts) (Covey, 1998:291). How can this malevolent combination of sexism and ageism be combatted? In general, most of the strategies that have been successful in reducing racism and sexism in general could be used to reduce the combination of sexism and ageism. Individuals can take the following actions to reduce prejudice and discrimination against older women: 1. Inform yourself so you have the facts to combat the misconceptions and stereotypes. 2. Examine your own attitudes and actions and try to eliminate those that reflect sexism and ageism. 3. Inform your relatives, friends, and colleagues about the facts, especially when some prejudice is expressed or implied. 4. Do not tell ageist or sexist jokes and refuse to laugh when you hear one. (Try converting the joke to an age- and sex-neutral joke by not specifying age or sex. ) References Atchley R. 2001. Social forces and aging. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth. Covey H. 1998. â€Å"Historical terminology used to represent older people†. Gerontologist, 28. Friedan B. 1963. The feminine mystique. New York: Norton. Levin J. , & Levin W. 2000. Ageism: Prejudice and discrimination against the elderly. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth. Palmore E. 1990. Ageism: Negative and positive. New York: Springer. Schick F. (Ed. ) 2006. Statistical handbook on aging Americans. Phoenix, AZ: Oryx Press. Sontag S. 1972. â€Å"The double standard of aging†. Saturday Review, 55 (39).

Innovation Strategy at Microsoft Essay

Microsoft Corporation is an American multinational software corporation that develops, manufacturers, licenses and supports a wide range of products and services related to computing. Microsoft is the world’s largest software maker and affects millions of users worldwide every day. The company recorded all-time high revenue bringing in $73.7 billion for fiscal year 2012. After analyzing this case, I have concluded that the main problem for Microsoft is that their deep silos are inevitably hindering its ability to produce products and/or services to compete with current computing trends in the industry. While Microsoft continues to dominate the computing world, it cannot be attributed to their innovation strategy. To address these problems I suggest that Microsoft alter their environment to better simulate innovation. Microsoft should create an environmental culture in which employees are encouraged to venture outside their tasks, minimal time pressure, and high job security give positive feedback for initiatives taken. These recommendations are based on specific concepts from the book. Current environment inside Microsoft does not currently provide positive feedback. Their current environments sets commitments for each division and employees are faced with performance evaluations. When employees failed to meet designated commitments, employees were penalized. Additionally, employees are penalized for taking on activities unrelated to their commitments. First in chapter 6 we saw that in an industry where growth is slowing and competition becomes stronger, an organization’s success requires innovation. This is why it is recommended that Microsoft focus on simulating innovation. We saw that innovators derive from individual developers and thereby can be considered the true source of innovative products. While an organization system model and creative individuals are key stakeholders in the business, it is not enough to drive innovation. Per chapter 6, there are several effective ways to simulate innovation- of which are the recommendations suggested above. Innovation Strategy at Microsoft: Clouds on the Horizon ACC – Applied Carbon Corporation (large environmental technology conglomerate) EBC (Executive Briefing Center) Innovation team- Gates was engaged with the engineer and the algorithm, he talked about how the algorithm that could increase the speed of the search This suggestion by Gates reduced time used on massive server banks Later he proposed an innovation to monetization model that would save corps millions of energy time. Innovation at Microsoft: Top-Down or Bottom-Up? Innovation drivers: Product groups, Microsoft Research labs, Innovation teams generating grassroots innovation Innovation at Microsoft really was a â€Å"one-man show†, vision and drive of a senior leader, i.e. Gates, then would work its way down Gates would send out memos calling for dramatic change in products, services and technologies Microsoft offered Extensions on existing products & services – result of product groups New products & services accounted for 1/3 Microsoft Rev Grassroot Innovation Grassroot innovation- attempt to tap into diverse ideas of Microsoft employees & turn into profitable new businesses Participated in ThinkWeek, Quest, IdeAgency & Innovation Outreach Program ThinkWeek- technical papers submitted once a year directly to Gates who reviews them for a week & makes comments Quest- Similar to ThinkWeek but involved Microsoft’s most senior & accomplished technical minds Thinkweek & Quest tapped into minds of senior technical staff- ignored other employees IdeAgency- to full realize potential in grassroots innovation by all Microsoft employees Executive sponsor (most likely product group leader) identified a prb that needed a solution & all employees through an IdeaExchange tool would submit solutions Learning by doing- needed more adjustments- submitting ideas wasn’t enough. Therefore top ideas of IdeAgency were selected (ie. 300 first session), form groups, were given a budget & resources to develop a prototype within 8 weeks. ThinkWeek, Quest, IdeAgency- all internal request for info, IOP implemented to include public Chief innovation officers from 10 Microsoft largest accounts for two-day innovation brainstorming conference- asked to look 5 years ahead (LT ignore ST) Steep believed this would drive innovation b/c had two critical flows of information done in product groups & Microsoft research labs 1. Top-down guidance 2. Bottom-up expertise The Information Technology Industry: Clouds on the Horizon Grassroots innovation initiatives response to increased competition from all sides (apple, amazon, google, linux and others) Microsoft generated most rev from consumer & enterprise licenses for software products ’08 operating income $22.5B on rev of $60. 4B (15% growth rate) New technologies threaten importance of Windows operating system as a universal platform, undermining traditional licensing model used by Microsoft for so long Microsoft business model relied heavily on product groups within divisions while each group tailored its software development process to its core technology & market Product groups worked closely with Sales, Marketing & Service division to deliver on customer needs Again, licensing model has been successful for Microsoft but many business analysts that shrink-wrapped software method of generating revenue will be obsolete and lose to cloud computing items 2000 Apple launched MobileMe Yahoo implemented online advertising business model Amazon online service & transaction business model Google online info search leader Grassroots Innovation under Microscope Product groups focus on ST & Research labs on LT So many processes running concurrently with lots of capital tied into them – is Microsoft delivering on its process? The ThinkWeek & Quest relied heavily no Gates- so what if he departed? IdeAgency great on paper- while delivered many successes, few drawbacks- immense time required to facilitate Too many hurdles trying to make fruitful collaborations in resistant environment Too much effort to get anything going across the product groups Many employees refused to work on projects beyond their defined objectives and commitments out of fear of receiving poor evaluations Organization Structure & Design Three divisions: Platform Products & Services, Microsoft Business & Entertainment & Devices Deep silos that barely communicated or collaborated Three business divisions, seven business groups & 27 product groups were told to focus on its own individual profit/loss. Business groups didn’t have time or incentive to participate in collaborations away from their own group Culture & Beliefs Developer-centric company b/c most employees possessed extraordinary amount of tech expertise- every employee (even senior mgmt.) had small office with a closed-door policy to concentrate better Culture a result of Gates behavior and mgmt. system driven by 3 core beliefs- 1) individual excellence (believed they had brightest employees in the world) 2) competitive behavior 3) accepted to never accept 2nd best (Go Big or Go Home) These believes lead to extreme intra- and interfirm competition intensity Competition amongst each other for positions Personal meeting with Gates & his lieutenants in which major employees are dissected & reviewed (can make or break your career at Microsoft) Culture & Beliefs Individual & group incentives were primarily influenced by â€Å"commitments† tied to each employees output- detailed objectives stated in form of a contract between employee & supervisor. At beginning of year commitments set in stone & couldn’t be changed.

Monday, July 29, 2019

The Effects of Bullying Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

The Effects of Bullying - Essay Example Bullying is an activity which is performed for getting pleasure at the expense of others. Those who perform bullying may experience pleasure whereas the victims will be suffered. The offenders often neglect the fact that their activity may lead towards mental problems among the victims. Depression is one of the major psychological problems caused by intense bullying. In extreme cases, the victims may commit suicide because of severe mental pressure they may undergo as a result of bullying. This paper briefly explains various psychological problems associated with bullying. Depression is the major psychological problem caused by bullying. In some cases depression developed as result of bullying may last only for few weeks whereas in other cases, the victim may develop permanent depression problems. If left untreated temporary depression problems may transform into permanent depression problems. It should be noted that bipolar diseases may develop as a result of the persistence of depr ession. It should be noted that bipolar diseases are most severe forms of mental disorders. In short, bullying done for somebody’s enjoyment purpose may make the victim a severe mental patient. Paranoid Personality Disorder (PPD) and Schizoid Personality Disorder (SPD) are other psychological problems which can be developed as a result of consistent bullying. â€Å"Paranoid personality disorder is a psychiatric condition in which a person has a long-term distrust and suspicion of others† (Paranoid Personality Disorder) whereas â€Å"Schizoid personality disorder is a psychiatric condition in which a person has a lifelong pattern of indifference to others and social isolation† (Schizoid Personality Disorder). In both the cases, the patients may not interact properly with others because of their fear of bullying. They may treat all others as enemies or offenders and therefore they will deliberately keep a distance with others. They will never trust even their clos e relatives or friends. They will try to lead a life in their own world or in an imaginary world. They will never adjust with the realities of life. In short, bullying may keep the victims away from the society and their life will be spoiled. Suicide tendency is another major psychological problem associated with bullying. It is a well-established fact that depression is one of the major reasons of suicide among children. Depression among teenagers is caused mainly because of bullying. Victims of bullying often make some generalisations in which they consider all the others are their enemies. They may think that there is no space for them in this world and it is better to finish their life to escape from this world. It should be noted that people get enough motivation to sustain their life when they get social support. Victims of bullying may think that they are in a helpless condition and the society and his family are against them. Under such circumstances, they will take shelter in suicide in order to escape from a world which gave them bitter experiences. In short, an activity (Bullying) performed just for a joke may end up in a suicide. According to a New York Times blog report, bullying may result in developing suicide tendency not only among the victims but also among the offenders or the bullies as well. â€Å"A broad analysis of childhood bullying and the link with suicide has found that it’

Sunday, July 28, 2019

The Validity of The Persistent Offender Rule in International Law by Essay

The Validity of The Persistent Offender Rule in International Law by Omar Abasheikh - Essay Example It would be tantamount to an international crime to claim that the words offender and objector may be used interchangeably. Even in common parlance, â€Å"object† and â€Å"offend† does not share the same meaning, although sometimes, the person to whom an objection was made may take an offense out of it. An objecting state is not necessarily offending the customary international laws in place and in full force and effect among the community of states. The author creates a crime out of a perfectly normal and natural thing to do for a sovereign state. How could the author have missed this small yet very important point? Apparently, there was a mistake somewhere between the writing of the paper and the formulation of the title. A paper’s title is supposed to give the readers some idea about the body of the paper. But in this case, the title has become a cause for confusion because it is a totally different concept than the rest of the paper. Inconsistent Thesis Lest this review be regarded as a headhunt for flaws, the author is lauded for the extensive research he has done about the subject. He dug through cases and books as is evident in the amount of information and data that the paper contains. But enormous amounts of data are meaningless unless they are served and digested into coherent and logical conclusions. At one point, the author merely presented several opposing or corroborating statements without bothering to mention which one prevails pursuant to exiting international laws or jurisprudence from the International Court of Justice. But then again, the paper has no thesis statement, and if there was any, it was ambiguous and difficult to ascertain. Based on the title, the author is expected to make a stand as to... The research paper "The validity of the persistent offender rule in international law" begins with an introduction to the topic. The author analyzes logical mistakes of Omar Abasheikh in description of "persistent offender rule" and criticizes the title of the paper, which doesn't fit to the sense of the research. After that the author shows advantages and disadvantages in the approach of the author and comes to interesting conclusions. In the end the author sums up that â€Å"consent, whether express or tacit, is required for the formation of customary international law†1 and the persistent objector rule is a necessary and accepted feature of the system that works for the unique social setup of the international community of states. The persistent objector rule is a necessary tool that allows each state to tailor the international law to their particular needs and maximize their benefits. Overall, the author deserves recognition for the amount of time and effort he had put into the paper. No one can deny the fact that he had presented a good volume of pertinent facts and information in the paper. However, the article is not without flaws, starting off with the wrong choice of word in the paper’s title. Then there is the lack of a clear thesis statement and inconsistent theories. The reader would get lost in translation amid the legal terminologies used in the paper. Nevertheless, the paper was very informative and could serve as a jump off point for further and in depth research into the subject.

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Launching a New Product A variant of Red Bull Waking a new market Essay

Launching a New Product A variant of Red Bull Waking a new market - Essay Example Typical time lines for launch: Pre-launch activities: Month 0 - 3 Product completion By Month 3 at latest Launch planning Month 4 - 6 Launch Month 7 -10 Sometimes a company actively markets the right product or service to the right people in the right media. But the marketing effort flops - all because of poor timing. To get the most mileage from the marketing efforts, you must be keenly aware of the right and wrong times to get the word out. To gain a bit of insight, consider the following: To launch a product on a limited budget, the best bet is to market when the competitors have eased up so that the product can gain the largest share of target audience attention with the smallest investment. That may mean marketing during what are typically slow months in your industry. But because this is when one can attract the most attention the fastest, it's worth it. The product should be launched around Christmas when the people have the time to go shopping and watch television along with family. This way the product would get maximum attention. Word of mouth would also work for it as the people who have seen the prelaunch activities might discuss with friends and relatives over dinner. Also this is the time when health and family welfare are highest on the consumer's agenda . Estimated Budget Budget For Energy Drink Price per Unit 85p Variable Cost 10p Gross Contribution( PPU-VC) 75p Sales Volume(Estimated Units) 10,00,000 Sales Revenue 85,000,000 Gross Contribution Margin(GC*SV) 75,000,000 Over Heads 20,000,000 Net Contribution(GCM-OH) 55,000,000 Advertising and Promotions 10,000,000 Sales Force and Distribution 8,000,000 Net Operating Profit(NC- Adv-Sales force distribution) 37,000,000 After the product concept is...Plan to distribute the releases two to three weeks before the product's launch day. Sometimes a company actively markets the right product or service to the right people in the right media. But the marketing effort flops - all because of poor timing. To get the most mileage from the marketing efforts, you must be keenly aware of the right and wrong times to get the word out. To gain a bit of insight, consider the following: To launch a product on a limited budget, the best bet is to market when the competitors have eased up so that the product can gain the largest share of target audience attention with the smallest investment. That may mean marketing during what are typically slow months in your industry. But because this is when one can attract the most attention the fastest, it's worth it. The product should be launched around Christmas when the people have the time to go shopping and watch television along with family. This way the product would get maximum attention. Word of mouth would also work for it as the people who have seen the prelaunch activities might discuss with friends and relatives over dinner. Also this is the time when health and family welfare are highest on the consumer's agenda . After the product concept is prepared , in order to evaluate business proposal attractiveness , one needs to prepare sales

Friday, July 26, 2019

Does the Way in which Accounting Represents the World Facilitate the Essay

Does the Way in which Accounting Represents the World Facilitate the Control of Organizations - Essay Example As the discussion declares an organisation, first aims to control its internal activities through different mechanisms. One of the mechanisms which is considered very important when it comes to discuss the control of organisations is the use of accounting methodologies and practices. Various accounting control systems are considered very important to ensure the internal control of organisation and also to enhance the capability of organisations to fulfil its accountability towards the environment. In addition to the accounting control systems, organisations have also developed various other tools such as good human resource management practices, policies and rules and other mechanisms to ensure the control of organisation, however, it is generally believed that accounting is central to all kinds of mechanisms of control of organisations and it is the most effective mechanism to ensure the control of organisations. This paper explores that accounting plays a very significant role because it portrays the image of the company through various accounting methodologies and practices. How different accounting practices facilitate the control of organisation is directly linked with the areas of accounting that enhance the accountability of various aspects of businesses. Financial Accounting is the area of accounting in which the financial events and transactions of the company are identified, measured, recorded, classified, summarised, analysed, interpreted and communicated. Through this branch of accounting, the organisation seeks to keep the systematic records and communicates the financial performance of the company to the interest parties. Cost Accounting is the area of accounting which deals with the control of the cost of the product, process or operation. In this branch of accounting the costs are measured the information is used for decision making. Management accounting is the area of account ing which uses the accounting methodologies to provide the information that is important

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Impacts of Roman Civilization Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Impacts of Roman Civilization - Essay Example Meanwhile, Roman law created the division between open law, whereby the state is straightforwardly included, for example, with issues of treachery and assessment as well as private law that is directed to the debate between individuals, for example, over contracts (Lord, 13-17). This framework was the support for what is currently referred to civil law that governed the West. Roman law likewise impacted the improvement of private worldwide law. Romans had arraignments and jury trials, like today's practices. Numerous guard procedures at present utilized can likewise be followed over to Roman techniques. The thought of "blameless until demonstrated blameworthy," which emphasizes United States immoral equity framework, it is believed to have originated from aged Roman plans. Likewise, the reason for composed law as an approach to secure people from each one in turn and from the state force is an intrinsically Roman thought. Writing is an alternate region where Roman impact is outstandi ng. Roman writers took after the renowned Greek writers, frequently creating and expanding upon Greek composing. Numerous journalists have been affected by Romans, Shakespeare being among these curtails. Roman Art has additionally affected today’s social order (Cline, 23-27). Specifically, utilization of prevailing images of Emperors on the nation coins and models was an intrinsically Roman thought Roman impacts in advanced social order can additionally be seen in framework frameworks. Roman ways utilized three levels of substructure underneath the clearing stones, and an endorsed plot to inspire the inside way, permitting rainwater to empty off. They utilized numbered signposts each Roman mile, which demonstrated such things as the separation of the following town and which development unit had manufactured the way. They additionally had far reaching systems of underground lead channel, supplying  clean water.Â